Monday, May 15, 2017

Burdock Herbal Oil ~ Eating My Weeds

I've been borrowing many books on herbs from the library and getting new bits of info.

Somewhere in the mix of research, I came upon the uses of burdock oil.  

I have burdock all over, so I decided to make the oil.  One case they said to put the oil and root in a dark room for so many weeks.  Another said to water bath it gently.   So, I went to my herbal books from the homesteading bookshelf and took another look on making oils.  In the past I have made them in a sunny window (calendula, chive).

I decided on making my hair oil using both burdock root,

and nettle.  I allowed the burdock root to dry for 12 hours (or overnight), because I just dug it up.  The nettle has been dried.

It will be a few weeks before I can strain this oil and try it.  Burdock has properties that help hair growth by strengthening it via the scalp when applied.  I decided to add some calendula as well.

Also, I wanted to try cooking the leaves and stalks, so I did a bit of digging for recipes.  I got so many different ones too.  Although I think stinging nettle has more nourishment.  Like I tell my kids - a rotation of all the greens is good for the body.


  1. You are becoming so knowledgeable about these 'greens'. You should give seminars! Are dandelion greens okay if the flower has bloomed already or gone to seed? I thought I read somewhere that you had to harvest the greens before they produced a flower. If that is true, unfortunately, that's when I notice them!

  2. Sam I Am, I haven't read that, but it makes sense. I have gotten them before and after they flower. Interesting.

  3. The burdock root looks a bit like a big shrimp.
    This is all very interesting. It will be good to hear what benefits you've gotten from it.
    Can the roots of any of the greens you cook and eat be cooked and eaten too? And if so, are the benefits they have different from the benefits the greens have?
    Right now I have flowers on the parsley I planted last year. I generally wait until they yellow, then cut and dry them in a paper bag and plant them. This year I made the mistake of tasting a flower, and it tastes wonderful, so I'm having to hold myself back from eating them all so I have some seeds left to plant. But they'd be great in salads, vinaigrette and added to vegies that you'd usually add parsley leaves to, though you'd have to pick the flowers from even the tiniest of stems, because the stems are tough.
    Our maternal grandmother used dill flowers in her soups and pickles, and they were a bit stronger and far tastier than the fronds are - and prettier too.
    God bless.

  4. RB, I am still learning about the roots of these greens. Some most likely cannot be eaten, but again I'm still reading up on them. You reminded me to go check my dill. It comes back every year, along with my sage, so I hope I won't have to re-plant either.

  5. Hi Kristina!.. I am wondering what kind of oil you used? Plain old vegetable oil?.. Almond oil or grapeseed oil?? ~tina (oh, and I'm wondering the difference between nettle and "stinging nettle"??? IS there a difference, or is it all the same?

  6. Beansieleigh, I used organic olive oil. You might get good results with grapeseed and almond as well. Nettle is just a short name for Stinging nettle. I dehydrate it, then store it in a canning jar until I want tea or to infuse oil. Once nettle is dry, it no longer has the "sting" it has fresh. I use really thick gloves when cutting it. You can also order these herbs from Mountain Rose herbs. I lightly rub the oil in my hands and then lightly into my hair.


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