Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Random Tidbits

I finally finished this book.  I have started another one.  Surprisingly.  Photos to come soon when I remember to take them.

We have a bee infestation.  Not honey bees.  Carpenter bees.  I had to order a few more bee traps.  The two we have in one barn is catching them, so I'll just mount them in the other barns next.  Photos to come soon on those too.  No chemicals involved.

Hubby has been working double shifts lately.  While our daughter had my car, the truck broke down, so he had to take the Harley and rain is in the forecast.  Let's just say, as parents we have realized how much we have been taken advantage of, and unfortunately, gone unappreciated.  The car was returned last night (but not without a demand for gas money to return it, even though it was borrowed), and the keys were handed directly back to Hubby.  He needs it to get to work (rain, can't take the bike), because his exhaust fell off and that is now in the shop (no time to fix it ourselves).  We are pretty tired of repairs at this point.  However, he lovingly (unlike my older two girls) stopped at the library and picked up my huge load of books and movies (on the Harley no less).  He said the librarian went back to the counter for more books for me, and he said, "there's more?!"  Ha ha!  What a guy he is. Again photos coming later on that.

We dropped the truck off last night, he followed on the Harley, so we both got a motorcycle ride last night. A tad windy, but we both very much needed "road therapy."

 I planted 30 glady bulbs and have a few more to plant.  Zinnia seeds were also planted, as we are to get possible rain today and definitely on Thursday. 

Planted basil, cilantro and more parsley seeds in the herb garden.  Started 3 more medicinal herbs in small pots indoors - tulsi, gotu kola, and feverfew.  I can't find my tarragon seeds, so I'll have to buy some next trip to town.

Planted my birthday Calla Lily in one flower garden.  As you can see, I am getting more of my garden goodies out (mushrooms painted and made from metal bowls and logs), and more furniture (of what I can carry by myself).  Hanging baskets are out, and just waiting for a trip to town to buy annuals.  All of my mushrooms need repainted, but that will have to wait.

I'm officially back into the vegetable garden now as well. Hence the lack of posts and photos.  I spent one entire day pulling out the plastic and mesh we used last year.  Due to me getting sick in November, it was left out all winter.  What a job that was!  Thistle so high I had to rip the plastic out in pieces.  Wasn't fun.  I also weeded out any thistle coming up in the pea rows.  Again, it's never fun.  I keep forgetting how big the garden is.  Until I'm out in it, ha ha!

Replanted some shell peas.  Some didn't come up, but most did.  Beets are up, potatoes look great, kale looks great, but the chard raised bed looks iffy for some reason.  Possibly draining out the rain to quickly.  I need to weed one row of radishes, and a bit of the potatoes, but they look pretty good this year.

  We had to wait for the ground to dry up to till, so I hope we can get that accomplished tonight.  Before the rain arrives.  We are scaling back a bit this year.  we are down to four living here now.  Plants I started indoors will be planted next.  We are still getting some cool nights yet.  Something just tells me to hold off, although I have planted flower and herb seeds.

I still have to put my chicken run back in.  For now they free range everywhere and are getting into my flower beds.  I can't have that, so after I weed my sugar snap peas and replant if needed, I'll be putting it in myself.  Hopefully.

I haven't been doing my intentional exercise.  I am so worn out from outdoor work, and we haven't cleaned up one felled tree all the way yet either.  Yeah.....messy house time of year just arrived.

1 comment:

  1. Busy. Busy. Busy.
    Don't forget, when you're pulling out those thistles, some butterflies need them for their babies to eat, and with toxic spraying, butterflies are said to be going the way bees are going. :o( So it's good to help them whenever we can.
    Prayers everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.


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