Saturday, May 13, 2017

Birthday Bang!

Not to let this awesome birthday week end without another "bang" of goodness, I made....

Flourless brownies and whiskey butterscotch sauce for sundaes.  Yes, yes and yes.  I ate them both with organic ice cream (too lazy to make homemade ice cream).

I also made Rhubarb BBQ sauce for a pork chop grill out.


I whipped up another dandelion and pumpkin seed pesto.  The kids love this for an after school snack. 

And for those sundaes we made to carry out this birthday week?

Photo compliments of my youngest daughter.  She said she was thinking about them all day long, ha ha!  Two days left fo this week.  I wonder what I else I could do (without a car).


  1. Okay, I just got back from Wally World...I haven't eaten all day and now I am drooling looking at your dessert! And rhubarb barbecue sauce? My legs are shot and I have to cook now....I'm hungry and I still have groceries to put away...woe is me! LOL!

  2. Sam I Am, the rhubarb BBQ sauce is really good. Oh, and that dessert was divine!


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