Friday, May 12, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ Chive Blossoms


What's on the breakfast plate?  An asparagus/dandelion/chive blossom frittata.  I just made it up as I cooked.  I would have had nettle, but it was raining at the time.

Did you know you can eat them? Chive blossoms?  They are a bit stronger than chives themselves.  Add them to mashed potatoes, saute your asparagus with them, or toss them into sauces.  You can also make chive oil using the blossoms.  A year ago I made infused oil using the chives themselves.

What's on the dinner plate?

Honey Jalapeno (using last year's hot peppers I had in the freezer) Chicken topped with cabbage, carrots, corn and black beans (with cumin).  

No need to top with salsa, the chicken is pretty spicy from the marinade.  Yum.  Sorry for the blurry photo.  I was in a hurry to eat my dinner, ha ha!  We ended up opening some zucchini salsa for them anyway.

It has felt strange to have only two dogs to take out now.  I keep wanting to call for Jesse.  I'll have to adjust meal making again.  We only have one vegetarian here now. 

Speaking of Vet-Tech Daughter it reminded me of my car she still has.  One of the guys at the condo is repairing her car, however, the tool to remove the tire rim is missing.  There is another delay now.  The tire must come off to put in the brake line.   

Oldest Daughter, trying to be funny, texted me a photo of my car saying it was "missing me."  Ha ha!  Yeah, I was missing it too.   It's about time to get those motorcycle lessons I want.  Hubby may want to start me out on a dirt bike first.

Part of our 6 acres remains a pasture right now.  Meaning the grass is tall.  The mower broke down a few days back, and Hubby has been working double shifts.  He fixed it last night so the mowing has resumed.

The asparagus is still providing. It's been the best harvest yet.  The recent rain is bringing up more too.  Yum.  Looks like I'll be roasting some with rosemary for tonight's dinner. 

I didn't workout yesterday.  Sigh.  My back was a-hurtin'.  Had to laugh because Hubby's knee was painin' him.  All from our dancing last Sunday.  Oh we had fun, but we paid for it at our age.  We doctored up our pain (my comfrey poultices), and today it's back to a full blown work out.  I can tell you though.  Since I started back on the speed bag?  I can whip my eggs at the speed of light now.


  1. More yummy food when I'm hungry! LOL! Good for you with your strong arms! My daughter got one for Christmas one year and we hung it in the barn for her to workout. I could use it now although lifting and toting the groceries and salt bags and dogfood keeps me pretty strong! LOL!

  2. Sam I Am, you are right about lifting pet food. Ha ha!


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