Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Kitchen Madness ~ Tea Infusion Facial Cleanser

While yogurt was being made in the dehydrator, I put a few turkey breasts into the crock pot with some home canned hot pepper mustard sauce. 

 Monday's need to be simple, so sides were quinoa/dandelion greens and garden beets from the freezer.
This was also our first spring dinner on the porch.  I brought two rockers and a table out of storage.  He he. Well a woman has to have a place to rest after a long day of cleaning, and soon to be gardening, right?

Homemade grout cleaner needed re-stocked, as the tile floor is being cleaned this week.  It's a job.  In my next home, there will be all wood floors.  No tile, no carpet.  Both of them give me so much to clean and scrub (the hard way).  We've talked about ripping it up, so it may even happen one of these years.  I know there are other ways to clean tile, but I have to keep things "green" with no chemicals.

I also whipped up a double batch of Honey Lavender Stress Relief cookies.  These are always a delicious light treat.

I made two tea infusions.  One for me - nettle to drink.  And one for my face - thyme/fennel facial cleanser.

2 sprigs of fresh thyme straight from my garden
2 tsp. fennel seeds crushed (I buy these organic/non-gmo) 
1/2 cup boiling water

Let steep 15 minutes, strain.
Add juice from half of one organic lemon
Store in the refrigerator.
Dab face daily with cleanser.    

It's my second skin cleanser to make.  The first one was with lavender and apple cider vinegar.  I lost the recipe. Hmpf.  I'm trying this one.  My thyme is growing again with all this rain we are getting.

Thyme works as an astringent and antiseptic, and fennel works as a gentle cleanser and toner for the skin.  This cleanser will also help to reduce puffiness.


  1. Glad to see you are getting out to your porch again! I need a place in my backyard to 'set a spell' on my 'breaks'. Yes, trying to keep up with the dang carpet and floor tile is such a waste of time. I am SO with you girlfriend! No carpet or tile in my next home either....never again! Your dinner looks delish and I never tried that grout recipe from the book I recommended...duh....I've tried so many too. Thanks for the tip about the food processor to get rid of those lumps...I use it for my castile soap I cut from a bar but never thought of processing the entire laundry detergent I make. Awesome!

  2. I didn't know that about thyme, thanks for the information! I don't usually wash my face with anything but water, but when the seasons change I notice some blemishes, so I'm going to give your infusion a try!

  3. Sam I Am, when I make dishwasher detergent and grout cleaner, I try to run the borox through on old food processor to break up the hard lumps. It sure felt good to get some furniture out, but I'll be in the bathroom 3 or 4 more days, just scrubbing the floor tile. My arms are getting a work out ha ha!

  4. Rain, I loved the one I made using apple cider vinegar too. If I ever find the recipe again I'll post it.

  5. Wow!!! You've been so busy. Don't forget you got out of the hospital only a couple of months ago.
    I took a few days off to relax my sore shoulder and to reset my brain, if you know what I mean. I need that every once in a while. Now it's back to work. I have animal blankets out on the line drying along with my round-the-house clothes, and my uniform for work is in the dryer, so I'm all set for the rest of the week. Yayyy!!!
    God bless.

  6. RB, thanks for that reminder. I woke up tired today. I better make sure I have my 2pm tea break. Every day.

  7. Hi - I love things like this so will be trying it myself for sure! We're wanting to head down the green route as much as possible in the new lifestyle, thank you!

  8. You are welcome Tracy. Thanks for stopping in to read my blog.


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