Monday, April 3, 2017

Spider Webs be Gone!

The weather here has been rain.  Rain, and more rain.

I've had a slight blurp in my blogging lately.  There are many reasons for it.  One, Hubby called me one day, and whisked me off for a half-day vacation day.

Two, I took a day for a Mom/Daughter day out.  And it was
an out-of-town day of fun.  It rained ( a lot) , but we had lots of indoor attractions, wineries, and flea markets to see. 

The next day the sun came out.  

Hubby whisked me off on a motorcycle ride.  Actually two, in two days. While out on one ride, we ran into a biker we ride with and stole off on another ride with him, ha ha!  

I think I needed it too.  I was starting to get a bit, oh how should I put it?  A bit less energetic?  No kick in my day?  No spunk?  

Tulsi tea to the rescue.  Bzzzztttt.  Energy restored.

The master bath deep clean was started, but I think I was gravitating from room to room.  It's so difficult to stick to one entire room with this family (kids!!).  I am thankful for the e-cloths Mom gifted me.  I had one cloth so dirty, I had to stop two different days to wash and dry it.

I cleaned every stinkin' nook and cranny, and then some.  

Soap dishes wiped clean,

wall hangings dusted, light fixtures cleaned, cupboards cleaned out and wiped clean (inside and out)trash can bleached, spider webs removed...and I'm still not done in there.  I have a few more drawers to dump out and wipe clean, the floor wall trim to wipe down, the floor grout to clean and I need to wipe down the door.

I finally removed the wine labels from the bottles I had sitting around as well.  Those were put into my wine journal. 

It's week two of using my homemade hair tonic. I am noticing my scalp itches now.  I am hoping that means new hair growth. 



  1. You deserved a day out or many! Every Mother does! LOL! I'm glad you took a daughter /Mother day too as soon enough they will be gone with their own lives. I miss my daughter as we always have so much fun together but at least we talk on the phone most evenings.
    Your cleaning puts me to shame! But it motivates me too.. a little shame is good! LOL!

  2. Sam I Am, our master bath is about 3 x the size of our smallest bedroom here. It was built on for a handicapped person, so I have a large tile floor to clean by hand. It will take me several days to scrub it, lol!

  3. I think it's great that you had some fun time! I have a wine journal myself, though we've slowed down on the wine tasting to try to save some money lately. Alex got me a wine label removal kit last year that works really nicely. I used to soak them in hot water but had the toughest time with ripping the labels.

    My spring cleaning is going to start this week and I'm NOT looking forward to the nooks and crannies!!!

  4. Rain, I have a wine label removal kit too. I brought home plum wine to taste, as we should start getting plums. However, I felt it was too sweet.

  5. I never tried plum, but we did bring home a blueberry wine once...oooh, way too sweet. I think with the fruit wines, we have to think of them more as liqueurs because we're too used to the dry red wines and the crisp white ones.

  6. Rain, I think there is a way to tone them down when we make them here. I'm learning, so I hope to be back to making the wines, but with less sugar.


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