Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Random as ever....

Despite a frost, I have a few roses blooming.  The zinnias are pretty much done for the season, so those will be pulled before the snow arrives.  I have some work to do in the kitchen today, but the weather has warmed up enough for "porch time." 

This mum is a new color we added to two garden last year.  Very pretty.

 This was pretty much lunch yesterday - zucchini salsa with organic stone ground corn (non-gmo) chips.  A dentist cleaning took a good chunk of my day. I had to wait one hour, on the dentist to check my teeth (after the cleaning).  I should have brought a book.  

Despite the long chunk out of my day, the wind was in full force, so the laundry was up and dried within a few hours.

One of the girls wore their slouchy hat to church.  She came home with one order.  I was a bit overwhelmed, but got it done.  However, the person doesn't like the color (even though I asked daughter to double check), so I'm already onto making a darker blue one.  She promises to sell the turquoise one.  

That's the problem with my family.  If i make something, they all want it, or they want to give it away.  Yet at the same time, tell me they could help sell them, yet find away to give them away anyway.  I put a price of $10.00 on it, and think it is under priced as is it. Most on Etsy are priced much higher.  And of course shipping is another thing.

Sharing a little fall decor. I had to purchase them, but hopefully youngest can still carve this big one for fun.

I don't have my to-do list written out for the day.  I have a few time-consuming jobs I did not get done yesterday, so they are first.  Yesterday we had crock pot vegetarian chili with sweet potatoes for dinner.  Tonight?  Not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure it will involve the crock pot again.  I have two articles I am working on, and plan to squeeze in writing time, as well as intentional exercise.  I have fallen behind on my goal, and re-set a smaller goal to get back on track.


  1. I had trouble getting my list done yesterday, too. And I didn't even have a dentist appointment as an excuse!

    I can see why your slouch hat would be popular. If only we could get adequate compensation for the items we make by hand! It's a tricky situation, for sure.

    I didn't grow pumpkins this year either because of lack of space. But I'm working on garden plans for 2016 and I'm hoping to get them in next summer.

  2. Mama Pea, I hope to get pumpkins, along with everything else, next year too. I guess, from Youngest, the school age kids love those hats. We'll see if they really want them or not, ha ha!


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