Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Freezing Mashed Potatoes

Our grocer sometimes sells organic russet or red potatoes.  This week they has russet on sale for $1.99/3 lb. bag.

Although the grocer gal checking me out, insisted that staff on the TV show The Chew,  verified freezing mashed potatoes was not worth it (nor freezing any potato in any form).  I am doing it anyway, and hope they are wrong.

Our home grown supply has dwindled to about nothing, so this is my last resort to stock up potatoes.  Other than dehydrating, which I know works.

I followed the advice of a fellow blogger (Lazy J Bar C), and making the mashed potatoes into single servings, freezing them on baking sheets, then putting them into freezer zip bags. 

I will let you know if all the work was worth it, when we thaw and heat them this coming winter.  I have already gone down the path of freezing diced potatoes and it doesn't work out so well - potatoes thaw mushy.  We did take them camping, and cooked them over the campfire, but I would prefer another way.  We'll see what rating these get.


  1. Looking forward to hearing about the results. I have frozen leftover mashed potatoes in my homemade TV dinners before and they were fine. When I have an abundance of potatoes I can them for winter storage. But you need a root cellar! Oh, I did not go there! LOL

  2. Looking forward to hearing about the results. I have frozen leftover mashed potatoes in my homemade TV dinners before and they were fine. When I have an abundance of potatoes I can them for winter storage. But you need a root cellar! Oh, I did not go there! LOL

  3. Kim, thanks for the laugh this morning! When Hubby got home last night I was taking out a tray of them, and he was pretty happy to see me doing it. However, I told him the freezer only has so much space, and then we need a root cellar. Maybe next year it'll happen after all these big jobs are done.

  4. I usually can any extra potatoes or if I find any on sale. They are pretty good.

  5. I have never frozen mashed potatoes either but will be anxious to see how they work out later. Good luck after all your hard work.

  6. I've frozen mashed potatoes with great results!

  7. Michele, I canned some a year ago, but I borrowed the canner.

  8. Sam I am, I'll be sure to let you know how they taste.

  9. One year I froze individual servings like you did. They turned very watery and mushy, but I think I defrosted mine before cooking. Probably shouldn't have done that?

  10. Mama Pea, my sister-in-law just suggested cooking them frozen and not thawing them. I'll have to make sure I do that.

  11. I don't remember the cast on The Chew saying not to freeze mashed taties, but though I watch as many shows as I can, I can't catch all of them because of my work schedule.
    When it comes to freezing and such, I generally look at what the grocery stores have in their freezers, thinking if someone else can freeze something, then so can I. I don't recall ever seeing mashed potatoes frozen though I could be wrong, but there certainly ARE mashed potatoes frozen in the tv dinner offerings there and some of them turn out well when microwaved.
    Will be interested to hear how this turns out.
    Everyone have a great and safe weekend.
    God bless.

  12. RB, I'll be sure to share when we heat them up this winter


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