Sunday, October 18, 2015

Winter Prep Continues ~ Random Tidibits

Good morning world!

Starting the day a little slower today.  Good Morning Coffee!

These past few days have been exciting around here.  The colder weather is getting me inspired to write a list of projects to do this winter.  Fun ones.  Like read a book.

 The rain barrels are emptied and flipped over for winter.

The sledge and wedge have been getting worked again.  We have about 3-4 large stumps left to cut up.  We are getting close to a good restock point, but not close enough.

One kiddo may get her "bonfire" for a Halloween sleep over too.  We found a few stumps were cottonwood.  Not the wood you want to burn in a wood stove.  It'll heat, but burns up fast.

Hubby and I worked the wood by ourselves, while the two younger girls took over the housework.  He can be so humorous, even while we swing the sledge.  He started smiling, and looked up at me.  He said, "You know, we should build a swing, and swing back and forth in the barn and knock the roof off with our feet!"  Ha.  Not happening. He did make me laugh though.

There are two things I have learned this summer - patience, and saving seeds.  I never saved seeds from our herbs, and we lost several plants over winter.  Although I will have to start over with some plants and save next season, I cut almost all of the last zinnia blooms.  I'm drying more of them for next season.

My comfrey did not go to seed, nor my mullein.  My organic basil is just now going to seed, but we got a good hard frost last night.  No basil seeds were saved.

I flipped through the library books I borrowed, and found a pattern for making these.  I really need two of them, but don't have the time to sew them right now.  I remember growing up, we had one made of leather, and the prices on those are pretty steep too.

Barn cat Timmy has been meeting me at the door first thing in the morning.  I think he's trying to fatten up for the winter.  His left eye is not looking too good again. Every season he gets a eye that appears infected.   He wasn't too sure about my camera, ha ha!

Jesse is happy to have his sweater on this weekend.  It's a bit chilly, and he loves wearing clothes for some reason.  He's also the dog that got booties last winter.  He hates anything cold.  I remember one year he did a hand stand (both back feet in the air) because the ground was too cold for his feet.  He has three different coats now, including one I made from scrap fleece.

I'm pretty sure we'll be getting him one or two playmates.  He doesn't like being inside alone.  Especially, if I'm out stacking wood or working the garden. We are watching rescue sites, and shelters for the right fit.  

It's another work day.  What day is not?  There is wood to be split, spider webs in the goat/chicken barn to be cleaned down, and the big barn project.   I'm looking forward to sipping hot chocolate on the front porch later today.  The furniture will be going in storage soon, and I want to make the day count.


  1. I love Jesse's sweater and it looks like he does too!

    I made those log carriers for christmas gifts one year. I made some out of drop cloths form the hardware store and some from an old leather coat I picked up at the thrift store. Just saying!

  2. I cut and saved zinnia seeds the night before, we had a big freeze! We have had such warm weather lately none of the herbs have gone to seed. I brought the pots of them in the house. Warm weather expected later this week, they can go back out again. Enjoy your Sunday and done't work to hard!

  3. Cleaning spider webs out of the barn....oh no, poor Charlotte. Love your mug and mug rest!!!!

  4. Your picture of the log wood carrier made me think that I was going to refill our wood for both stoves inside about an hour ago. My attention span these days . . . At least the wood only has to be carried from the porch to the inside.

    Yep, that list of To Do things is never blank, is it? I just finished baking a batch of sugar cookies (pumpkin shaped cut outs) for our daughter to take to the kiddies she takes care of. They are going to frost and decorate them for Halloween. Then I made some Almond Cookies for hubby 'cause they're about his favorite. (Me? Give me a bag of potato chips and I'm happy! But I know that's not at all a healthy snack. Still tastes good, to me, as an occasional treat!)

  5. We had a heavy canvas log tote like that, worked great! Cute doggie coat :)

  6. Kim, thanks for those tips. I'll have to see if I can get a trip to the thrift to see about scrap fabric sources.

  7. Liz, I had several herbs that did not go to seed. Strange season.

  8. Robin, the webs are a fire hazard and have to come down on a regular basis. Our goat-taker daughter did it for me, but he's away and the spiders have been busy.

  9. Mama Pea, we have been splitting wood each weekend, but will have to double time it on weeknights if we want enough split for winter. I think Hubby is finally seeing why I stress we cut in spring and mild summer days. He works full time, so it does get difficult to get everything done. Those cookies sound delicious. Those littles are sure lucky.

  10. Thanks Nancy. Jesse loves to wear clothes in winter. He does not like cold weather.

  11. Sure is a pretty sunrise. We get sunsets so brilliant, they make the woods look like they're on beautiful.
    A nice strong warm tea compress will set Timmy's eye to right again. Good thing about that old remedy is, it's cheap and you can't OD on it. Just apply an almost drippy wet warm tea bag on the eye as many times a day as the cat will stand for. (After a while, they'll "almost" come to like it for the soothing feeling it gives them.)
    And Jesse is a lucky dog to have a family that gets him clothes to keep him warm. Nice you're looking for some playmates for him at shelters. There are so many really good dogs in them who never get the chance at a real life because there are more dogs than there are families looking for them. Sad too.
    Finally got the last of my ceramic bird houses inside. They don't do well outside at all once freezing weather comes (they crack and break), so I bring the ceramic ones in and just leave the resin ones out.
    God bless.

  12. Thanks RB. Thanks for reminding me of bringing in items too. I brought in the wind chimes, but have not gotten everything else put away yet.


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