Thursday, October 22, 2015

Don't be shocked, but.... ~ Tidbits

I actually spent half a day on a project for myself.  Seriously I did!  One of Hubby's sisters went to the hospital and Hubby was called to go at 3:00am.  She is okay, and resting from the last update I got.

However, he was so tired, he came home from work early and slept.  I could not make any noise, so I opted to crochet for once.  Ha!  Felt good too.
 What did I make?

A pair of crocheted boot cuffs for one of my pairs of boots.

'Tis the time for ear muffs and boot cuffs, so I got out a pattern book that I've been wanting to try for a few years now.  There is a pattern to make a matching ear muff for the cuffs I crocheted too.  However, I ran out of the yarn I was using.  A trip to town is on the agenda sometime soon.  I used "off white" instead of "aran" yarn for this.

Now the girls have eye-spied the cuffs and want a pair.  I told them to tell me their color and Santa would gladly give them a pair for Christmas.

Update:  I am sorry to get this posted so late, but here is the book the boot cuff pattern is located it:



Today?  It's back to work.  I'll be pulling all the dead zinnia plants from the garden, so I don't have to mess with it in the spring.  I'll be picking out a good piece of wood for a new porch sign too.  Hubby wants me to make more.  I'll be sure to put them up here, if it all works out well.

Our second meeting pertaining to the business wanting a permit to use land adjacent to our land, was last night.  We actually had the opportunity to share our thoughts and concerns, however there may be another meeting.  I can't share details as it is not over.  The man running the business, never showed up to the meeting.  Only the land owner.


  1. Love your boots!!! Where did you get them? Awesome job on the cuffs!

  2. Robin, I bought them online a few years ago, when a local store did not carry my size. I can't remember the store online, but Kmart (online) sometimes carries similar boots.

  3. You are so darn clever! How cute are those boots with the crocheted cuff? I can see how your girls would really go for some for themselves.

    My (very dead) zinnias got pulled from the garden this week. So nice that they pulled right out as opposed to the sunflowers that took a spading fork to get them out of the ground!

  4. Mama Pea, my sunflowers never bloomed this year sadly. Too much rain I think.

  5. Love the boot cuffs. i would want a pair of fingerless gloves to match instead of the ear muffs

  6. Thanks Kim. I hope to make a set for each of the girls. I need an ear muff for myself for when I have to cut wood and it's too warm for a hat, but my ears need covered.

  7. I am going to show these to my mom! Hoping she can find a pattern. I really like the boots too! Have been trying to find some brown boots that kind of style.

  8. Liz, I look up the title of the pattern book and post it back here today. The book has several patterns. Some flip over the top of the boot and some do not.

  9. Interesting the business owner didn't show up :)


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