Monday, July 20, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

Although I posted today already, I decided to join the Happy Homemaker Monday today.  I have a few minutes before the laundry needs to go out on the line.

On the weather front. . .
 High in the 80's and actually dry for a few days this week - woo hoo!  We had storms yesterday, and we really need to dry up here.

On my bedside table. . .
 ..a water cup, thread and a needle, homemade vapor-rub

On my TV. . .
 We just watched the premier of Cedar Cove, and hope to watch it each week now.

On the menu for tonight. . .
 Leftover chicken tacos (Mmmm!)

On the menu for this week. . .
 Monday:  Grilling out, with squash/bell pepper packets and meat of Hubby's choice
Tue - Sunday:  have no idea, depends on canning status and work load, maybe grilled salmon one day?

On my To Do List. . .
 (in no particular order)

1. Laundry
2. Can sweet pickle relish
3. Freeze a double batch of sweet corn
4. Sweep floors
5. Dishes
6. Muck the chicken coop
7. Paint two kitchen drawers
8. Walk Jesse
9.  Check and see if I can dig any potatoes
10. Check for squash and beans
11. Water porch pots
12. Cut comfrey for drying
13. Cut rosemary and thyme for drying
14. Cut calendula for drying
15. Dead head flowers
16. Make creamed corn to go with leftover tacos maybe

 New recipe I tried last week. . .
  Chicken tacos - absolutely delicious.  And homemade torillas (I might be posting a blogpost on making them).

In the craft basket. . .
 Another redwork embroidered kitchen towel, and another knitted dishcloth.

Looking forward to. . .
 Going camping soon! (dry days ahead), getting my kitchen finished, seeing a filled pantry/freezer.

Homemaking tip for this week. . .
 Here is my post on how I freeze sweet corn (off the cob):
Freezing Corn.

Favorite photo from last week. . .

Lesson learned the past few days. . .
 I can't say I myself learned any lessons, but our 16 year-old did.  She uses acrylic nails and glue (I do not agree with, but Hubby does).  She went to the movies last night, took some spare nail glue with her in her purse, and it leaked out onto her leg.  It burned her leg, and it ripped skin off as she removed the glued pants from her leg.  She now realizes the harsh chemicals that are in it, and will not be taking it along in her purse anymore.  Maybe now Hubby will stop giving her money for them too.

On my prayer list. . .
 My Son and Oldest Daughter, our family as we grieve the loss of another pet (if feels so uncomfortable with only one dog now), extended family, and special requests from friends.

Devotional, Scripture Reading, Key Verses. . .
 1 Timothy 5:8 NIV
 "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than the unbeliever."


  1. Looking forward to that post you might do on the homemade tortillas!

    Those acrylic nails and the glue to put them on can be nasty. I have a friend who got a terrible infection on all of her nails from them. (This was when she was having them done regularly at a nail salon.) It took for-ever for her nails to return back to normal.

    So sorry to hear you've lost another one of your furry family. So sorry.

  2. Mama Pea, I actually made more tortillas today to freeze. However, Hubby got wind of it, and now wants black bean/egg wraps, ha ha! I'll have to do it again and tell the kids "don't tell your Dad" ha ha! Yes, those nails are nasty, and I hope after this she'll see that. Her leg doesn't look so good either. Jesse looks a bit lonely, as we probably do too. Alias is in heaven playing stick with Sadie now. We'll miss him. We still miss Sadie and Mattie. Hugs.

  3. I'm so sorry you've lost another pet, that is always so hard :(

    Oh I agree with the acrylic nails and that nasty glue, it's terrible, I'm sorry your 16 year old had to learn her lesson the hard way but sometimes it's the only way they will listen to mom, right?

    Have a wonderful week :)

  4. Am going to check out your tortillas recipe now (I think I saw it on my way to this post). Sorry to hear about the loss of your pet. Have fun camping and a blessed week!

    My HHM post

  5. Renee, I hope to get time to try the tortillas with whole wheat or even millet flour some time too.

  6. Love the scripture. Sometimes our family members are the most difficult to care for and help - especially without growing weary of doing so, but if we don't, well...that scripture points out clearly how God sees us.
    I wore Nailene glue-on nails for years and years during my office career; they were cheaper than regular sculptured nail visits and I could do it myself. I don't wear them anymore because I'm retired and can't play in the garden with them on. Anyway, sounds like your daughter is using the wrong glue it if runs out that easily. I recommend Loctite Super Glue Easy Squeeze Gel. It's here at Home Depot, but you can get it anywhere. I even get it at the grocery store.
    It won't come out of the bottle until you squeeze the blue sides in. And a hint, before poking a hole in the top to open the bottle for initial use, dip the tip into Vaseline which acts as a resist so the cap won't ever glue onto the bottle, not that it does, but as extra insurance against it. It lasts for a long long time too, because you can secure it with the screw on cap between uses, keeping air from getting to it. It's good stuff, especially for fixing broken pottery, china and nicknacks if you have someone clumsy living with you. ;o)
    God bless.

  7. RB, thank you for that tip, I'll have to share this with her.


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