Monday, July 20, 2015

Chicken Tacos ~ Homemade Tortillas

I decided to take advantage of all this rain, and throw more flower seeds down.  If there is one thing we'll get this summer, it will be the most colorful flower beds yet.

 With our roasted chicken yesterday, I decided to try a
new recipe - Chicken Tacos.  Aside from the cumin (which I have tried to grow twice), this taco is a self-sufficient meal. We used the very last jar of homemade zucchini salsa. Hubby and the kids loved these.   I took some of the black bean/corn/cumin mixture out for our vegetarian daughter, before I added the chicken.  Basically she had the same thing, only without chicken.  She loved them too. Instead of "slaw mix" you can just shred a cabbage and mix in shredded carrots. Absolutely delicious!!

I made homemade tortillas for the tacos too, and boy do they taste wonderful.

And with the humidity outdoors, and more storms, I stayed inside and made us a blueberry crumble.


  1. We love tacos here, and nothing taste as good as homemade tortillas :)

  2. Sandra, Hubby loved these, and he typically is a corn tortilla taco man. I loved the ingredients too. I'm sure I'll be baking and freezing more tortillas.

  3. Can I put in my order for some of those frozen tortillas for the freezer? They sound wonderful! I've been making myself (hubby is not so crazy about them) "wraps" this summer, but (she admits shame-facedly) I'm using organic purchased tortillas. Mostly mine are meatless with shredded cheese and lots of chopped up veggies in them including mustard greens that give them a real zip. Every once in a while I buy a small container of wild salmon spread from our local fish market, and boy howdy, does that make a tasty wrap with the other veggies!

  4. Mama Pea, the homemade ones are so good. Your wraps sound wonderful. We love salad in a pocket so these will be a great substitute. I love to make egg/bean or egg wraps too. I'm thinking we could grill fish for fish tacos too.

  5. Oh my - that looks soo good!!!

  6. Emma, they were very good. Our vegetarian daughter ate two of them without the chicken.


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