Sunday, November 16, 2014

Splittin' Wood

Although folks tried to get Hubby to go elsewhere over the weekend, I put my foot down, and told him the "boss" says he cannot go.  We are behind in splitting wood, and several trees need cut up now, one that fell over on it's own already (more on that one later).

Remember that load of "free" wood that was delivered while we were in South Carolina?



Well, here is that same pile of monstrosity size wood today.  The photo really doesn't show all of it either.

(in progress)

You can see some of the largest pieces have been cut and split already.  The pieces we cut late yesterday, will be this morning's splitting work.

We have no shortage of wood supply this year.  In fact, I have a few folks with trees that we can have once we have our own trees cut down.  Wood supply is a blessing this year.

It's taking about two of us to roll the cut pieces to the splitter, but we're getting it cut and stacked.  I have three girls who have been delegated to haul and stack, so Hubby and I can get this job done efficiently (and timely).

I got up early to get the fire stoked, and to spend some time reading blogs, but Hubby is up super early making me his famous bacon omelet.  I think he's fired up to get the wood splitting done as snow is heading our way, and we still need to put in our snow fences.

Hubby has had to buy a new blade for the borrowed chainsaw, and even sharpened it a few times.  They must not make blades the way they used to years ago, because they seem to wear out so quickly nowadays.



  1. Are you particular about the kind of wood you use for fires? Some cause too much creasote and some don't put off much heat. It is really cold here for this time of year.

  2. Yay for your slave labor (the girls!) in helping with the wood supply. Helping with the wood was our daughter's most dreaded chore while growing up. But it's understandable, because during that time we sold and delivered wood and she had to help with that, too. So how does she heat her own place now? With wood, of course!

  3. Mama Pea, the girls were not happy to do it today, but snow is on the way and we don't want it froze to the ground yet. They put in a good day's work today.

  4. Nancy, we are happy to have the wood, but some pieces we did find as junk wood. They went in the burn pile. The rest was pretty good wood.

  5. Sam I am, we don't burn any pine or the likes of it. We do prefer walnut and oak, but some of the wood we were given is Ash. It's terrible to split. Very stringy.

  6. I have been trying to catch up on all of your entries. You are such a busy lady! Glad to read though your mom is home and getting better. Family and health sure are the most important things!

  7. We have been scrambling around trying to get wood in the barn.
    We still have plenty that needs split.
    Hard work!

  8. I am laughing because I made my own husband stay home this weekend to help me finally get the garden cleaned and ready for next year. We were also able to get the winter garden in. Happy, Happy, Happy

  9. Michelle, It's so hard to get a complete full weekend with Hubby. There is still work to get done.

  10. Sandra, we didn't get all of the pieces cut before it started snowing. I hope it thaws out before the weather gets too cold.

  11. Liz, thanks for reading my blog, I'm looking forward to a slower day this week. Hopefully.

  12. Cutting wood, "the job that warms twice" our Dad use to say, and it's true too.
    What a blessing you'll have more than enough this year. Praise and Thank God!!!

    God bless.


  13. RB, we are definitely saying our thanks to God.


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