Saturday, November 15, 2014

Muti-tasking Day and Gratitude

I didn't think it was possible, but I decluttered while walking my daily miles on the treadmill.  There is a nearby bookshelf (we have to move things around when we start burning wood for heat) and I simply pulled books off that I no longer need.

I offered these to Youngest who loves to write like her Mom, and a few went into the "thrift" box I am slowly filling up.

The sun shined brightly yesterday, and even though it was cold, it was a beautiful day.  The frozen grass crunched under the dog's feet, so getting them out and in went much faster. 

Morning watering is now more work.  All the goat buckets had a layer of frozen water.  The job took three trips to the house for water, and yet one more later.  We still have one plastic watering unit for the hens.  Sigh.  I'll upgrade it soon.  It was frozen shut, so I had to thaw it out in the sun before I could even open it.  They always manage to get a bunch of straw in it too.

I brought in a fairly good amount of eggs despite the cold temperatures. 

I made hummus with organic white beans (vs. chickpeas) for extra calcium.

I saved the lemon zest for future homemade lemon extract.  I container has been started to store in the freezer until I have enough. 

After I got the laundry on the line, I made a quick trip to the library.  I had many returns and a few to pick up.

I got the spiderwebs all down, and then made more vanilla extract.  I think I want to start at least two more jars, even after making these four.  

I made yet another "can" of mushroom soup.

I am rather behind in making gifts this year, and very behind in buying the kids anything.  I know I will get it done, but I'm surprised at myself, and the kids are enjoying it this year - have not put up one Christmas decoration or listened to usual music, nor put up outside lights or even watched a Christmas related movie.  Maybe I've learned to slow down and enjoy the Thanksgiving time this year?

Today I am thankful for:

~  having had time to hold my nephew, he's the cutest baby I've ever seen (coming from his most favorite Auntie, he he)

~ the eggs my ladies are giving us

~ Mom feeling better and back home

~ the kitchen towels and cup coasters my Uncle sent me (that arrived yesterday).  Hubby and I absolutely love them.

~ the sunshine today

~ wood to heat with

~ seeing emails from the older kiddos

~ the dogs who alert me of any hawks out when my chickens are out

~ Hubby home this weekend

~ my herb garden

~ God's Guidance and Mercy


  1. I'm thankful for your "thankful" listings 'cause they always make me pause to think of all I have to be thankful for and everything I appreciate in my life. :o]

  2. Thanks Mama Pea. It helps me keep focus on the good things in life too.

  3. WOW!!! Those are some GORGEOUS eggs.
    There are water heaters that go in livestock and outdoor animal water containers that keep them from freezing. You can find them online if you need them. It's sure easier than toting buckets of water back and forth daily cause liquid is about 8+/- pounds per gallon. Whew!!!
    There's also some information about make-shift, off-the-grid livestock water heaters here.

    God bless.


  4. WOW!!! Those are some GORGEOUS eggs.
    There are water heaters that go in livestock and outdoor animal water containers that keep them from freezing. You can find them online if you need them. It's sure easier than toting buckets of water back and forth daily cause liquid is about 8+/- pounds per gallon. Whew!!!
    There's also some information about make-shift, off-the-grid livestock water heaters here.

    God bless.


  5. RB, thanks for the site for that stock water container.


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