Monday, November 17, 2014

View of my porch....

We completed a good portion of wood splitting, and our porch is slowly being restocked with wood.  The view of my porch is much different now.  We still have plenty to cut and split.  Unfortunately, a few of those large pieces in the yard, were Ash.  That stuff is terrible to split (stringy).  But, we are thankful to get a good day's work in, although it was Sunday.  

While Hubby drove to town to buy a second snow fence, I cleaned the coop.  The ladies and Sparta got a few extra handfuls of straw in the roosts.  

Hubby was still not home by then, so I tossed crock pot mac n' cheese in the crock pot.  It looks like soup, but the boiling water eventually makes a delicious meal (simply butter, macaroni, ricotta, and cheddar).

And because Hubby was still not home, I quickly tossed ingredients for another container of homemade condensed mushroom soup on the stove.  I think I have two more empty containers that I can fill yet.

I was starting to worry, as we were losing daylight, and Hubby was still not home.  A trip to town can rob our day of work.  Snow started to fall about 2:30pm, but it was nothing to worry about, as far as getting the t-posts in the ground.

Although I really wanted to dig into this large pile of library books, I insisted Hubby and I(when he finally did get back home) go out and put up one snow fence.  We froze our bums off, but we got one completely up.

The second one however, will have to wait until next week.  Stores were completely sold out.  When we had been at the hardware store, and purchased our first one, there were only three left (4 x 100 ft).  I told Hubby we needed to buy two considering people will panic as the first sign of snow and we won't get one later.  Well.  People went into panic mode.  I am so glad I did not need anything at the grocery store.  I had shopped ahead of time and had fresh brussel sprouts to go with dinner.  My 18 year-old prepared them while Hubby and I were out putting up the snow fence.

Now about the snow fence.  We've been discussing which way the wind blows.  If we get a nor'easter storm, we figure our drive will be drifted over regardless of the fence we put up.  So, hence the second one.  Just to be sure.  

This morning, the snow continues to fall.  School has a two hour delay, and I am thankful we have food and wood stocked up.  I would love to put all chores aside, and curl up on the couch to work on Christmas presents, but I cannot.  I do think I will set a timer, so I'll stay on task, and just maybe (just maybe) I can work on some handiwork later.  

Dinner is sausage, carrots, cabbage and potatoes.  The potatoes we put up in the fridge (vs. canning) are holding up well.


  1. Hi Kristina
    I'm doing some catching up - our computer has been KO for the last few weeks!!
    My hubby is busy with wood splitting too - he just bought himself a machine that does it for him (sort off) and it is slowly piling up outside the house.
    I must invest in a crock pot one of these days.
    Keep warm (been snowing here too)

  2. Those first two books in the box look interesting! I love looking at pioneer'ish cookbooks and older recipes. I have one cookbook that tells you to "mind the fire".

    Dinner sounds very're going to need it! Keep toasty.

  3. Carolyn, I hope to read or even flip through the cookbooks today.

  4. Emma, it's so good to hear from you. I have been wondering if you are around.

  5. I thought I left a comment here already today...but then remembered, I went off in search of "snow fence"!
    Got lost on GOOGLE! So, honestly, I'd never heard of a snow fence. I found it fascinating to read about.
    Supper looks good...and so do those cook books. Thanks for sparking a yearn to learn...;)

    have good evening!

  6. Patricia, a snow fence is a bright orange plastic fence with holes. We attach it to t-posts. You set it so many feet away from the area to protect from drifting. Our fence is 4 x 100 ft. so we set it about 140 feet from the area. Our driveway is a horseshoe shape and drifts up to 5 feet in the winter. We are hoping it will stop the drifts from landing directly in the driveway. We've been literally snowed in several times with no way to get a vehicle in or out. We've hand shoveled most years to get space enough for one car/truck in and out.


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