Monday, September 8, 2014

Canning it Up

I canned more pints of pizza sauce.  There was no voting on what to can, considering we had just made pizzas the night before.  I'm exhausted this morning.  I was sealing jars way past 7pm, and still had laundry that needed to come off the line.  On a Sunday no less. 

After getting the laundry down. . .

I took a few moments on the front porch.  The sunset is in the opposite direction, and really wasn't that exciting, so I photographed the moon and the blue and pink sky (that was continuously changing).  Hubby worked 2nd shift, and I'm glad he did.  If he had another headache, he would have not wanted to be home (loud music, loud engines continued all day and night).

I've seen two large groups of geese flying in their "V" formation, flying south.  This morning, after I came inside from watching the sunrise, several more flew by.

Last night it got pretty chilly (perfect camping weather if you ask me), but I am loving it.  Just another sign the garden is about to complete it's season for us.

This morning's sunrise was very pretty.  There were lots of pinks in the sky.

Update on the pizza sauce:  Delicious!  I used a recipe from, but there are many, many recipes out there.  I used my sauce maker for the recipe (vs. peeling them), and added extra onion and garlic.  Also, I put 1 Tbsp. of organic lemon juice in each pint before filling it with pizza sauce.  The recipe states "tomatoes" and not very specific other than a number of them.  I used paste tomatoes. My family was amazed that the pizzas tasted so good.  I do use as many home grown herbs in my recipes, so that may make a difference in flavor as well.

I'm looking for non-gmo, organic/heirloom onion seeds (or starter plants), for large yellow onions.  If you have a resource that you already use, I'd love to hear your experience and advice.  The onions we buy and plant here are not large enough for all my canning needs.  I love Baker and Territorial, but have never ordered onions via the mail.  Anyway, I would love to know where you get your onions, so I can plan for next year's garden.  

I still have more tomatoes yet to can up.  This might just be the last of them, other than some large ones still lingering here and there.  Maybe.
This week (or as soon as I can), I'll be writing up a "how-to" on my stitched cards to share.  


  1. Sorry, I can't help you on the onions. Your photos of the moon are gorgeous.
    What yarn/thread and what size crochet hook do you use on your bookmarks? I love your key chains and bookmarks that you make.

  2. I use cotton #10 crochet thread. I'll look for the title the patterns are in, and let you know. I'll try to post it soon. I used #10 thread on the eyeglass cases too.


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