Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Sunrise

While most folks are out buying fall mums for their garden, I was out searching for clearance priced rose bushes. Why?

Hubby and I face the financial dilemma of fencing two portions of our property (due to the mud bogger goers who trespass on our property).

Saturday flew by too fast for us.  Although we really want to rent a sod cutter, we opted to get roses planted, and deal with the sod next spring.

The northeast corner, where they drive in (and farmers do as well without even asking us) from the highway, will now have a row of four pink rose bushes.  These are long stem roses, so they can even be cut and enjoyed indoors.  And they smell wonderful.  They are, however loaded with thorns, which for us, could be a good thing.  In the spring we'll be landscaping that northeast corner ourselves.  

Updating here, since this post is becoming popular by viewers - found out that after Hubby and I were done planting, and left for town for errands, a vehicle (described to us by a daughter), slowed by the rose bushes, rolled down a window, then sped off.  Taking a photo perhaps?  Why so interested, right?  Well, while Hubby and I were planting (after only one was in the ground) guess who drove by?  Yep.  Mud bog man left his business to drive by and see what we were up to.   He also saw us getting into our car to run errands in town, while driving by the other direction. 

Coincidence this vehicle came by after we left?  Not sure, but it is interesting to know that simply planting a few rose bushes could stir up so much attention.

I was up early to sip coffee and watch the sunrise this morning.

It was so quiet, I could hear roosters crowing from all over the area, including our own.

Here is the most recent hand stitched note card I finished.  Once I get the holes in the cardstock, the stitching actually goes quite quickly.


  1. Thanks Mama Pea, I was hankering for some fun time, and thought of all those fall colored leaves. Not much free time today - canning more pizza sauce.

  2. Roses are always lovely...but probably no match for mud boggers :/
    4 wheelers :/ or tractors. :/
    I hope you're able to get fence soon.
    Your sunrise photos are beautiful.
    That card is lovely.

  3. Good idea. I always buy things in the fall on sale, from the summer. No mums for me... Maybe you should put up some steel post supports for your roses? In concrete ;)

  4. Pat, we hope to fence it soon.

    Nancy, good idea (he he!)

  5. Love that card - what do you do to make the holes?
    Hope the roses will keep people off your property. We have been wanting to put up fencing for a while now but it's so expensive!

  6. It took us 2 years to get our new goat fence up, so it may take awhile to get these other fences up too.

    Emma, I thought I had put a tutorial on my blog, on making those stitched cards (but cannot locate it). I'll work on writing one up so you can see how I do it (hopefully soon).

  7. I hope they don't just run down your rose bushes.
    And your embroidered cards remind me of the old sewing cards little girls use to have in the past, that taught us how to sew.
    God bless.

  8. Good for you and hubby finding a way to get your point across...were they "peace" roses? LOL!
    Your autumn card is darling and what a lovely handmade item.


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