Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

Joining Happy Homemaker Monday, with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

Breakfast time…what is on the plate this morning:
 Eggs, toast and coffee.  The ladies are done molting and we are getting eggs again. 

Looking around the house:
  I see the tomatoes that I need to can tomorrow, pizza sauce that needs labeled and place in a cupboard somewhere, and a very messy computer/office area. 

On today's to-do list:
(in no particular order)
-write out a "to-do" list for the kids
-wash shower curtains
-clean bathroom
-wash rugs
-wash towels - everything goes on the clothesline
-clean windows on back door
-water flowers
-water goats and chickens
-collect eggs
-vacuum bedroom
-wash bedding
-clean down spider webs
-take youngest to the eye doctor
-walk dogs
-clean a cat box
-take daughter to the gas pump, re-teach her how to pump gas for the car she drives to her college class
-bake homemade granola bars
-write oldest daughter

Currently reading:
 Now You See Her, by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge

On the TV today: 
 Son's of Anarchy, CSI (last night)

The weather outside is:  
Beautiful!  Not to bad during the day and cool at night.

On the menu this week: 
  Monday:  eggs, veggies (omelets or scrambled), bacon
  Tuesday:  roasted chicken garden potaotes, garden carrots
  Wed:  leftover chicken, onion/blueberry jam, garden veggies
  Thursday: homemade pizzas with home canned sauce
  Friday:  undecided

If I have a few minutes to myself I will:
 Either read on the front porch, or crochet a bit.  Or simply sit and sip hot tea and enjoy the peace and quiet.
I am starting to make a few more sets of these in different colors.  I hope to get time this week.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week:  
 Home canned barbeque sauce, and home canned red onion/blueberry jam on meat.

One of my simple pleasures:
  Sitting on the porch doing nothing.

Favorite photo from the camera:
 ...Jesse, all curled up in the falling apart reading chair.  Warming up in the sun.

Looking around the house:
  It's very quiet.  Kids are all in school, dogs are napping, cats are napping, and the washing machine is churning.

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, or blogpost that caught your eye):  Honestly, I haven't done a lot of reading, other than the blogs I follow.  Maybe next week I'll have more free time.

Praying for: 
  my older two kids, Mom, Dad, my cousins, our finances, our current situation with the mud bog invasion, and friends with requests.

Bible Verse/Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:
 Hebrews 11:1
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.


  1. My husband just discovered Sons of Anarchy on Netflix last week and has been watching it. I watched one with him last night and thought it seemed like a pretty good show. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. What's happening with the neighbor and the ATV's? Any hope in sight? At least winter snow should slow them down hopefully...

  3. Jean, my husband started watching it, then I got hooked. A new season is about to start - the last season for it I think too.

    Nancy, the cold nights here are helping shut them down early now. I hope the weather helps.

  4. I liked this post . . . urged me on to get a bit more organized!

    Looks like the dog is enjoying the quiet house. Sometimes I think they have more sense than we humans do! ('Course, their responsibilities are a little different than ours, too!)

  5. Mama Pea, I was so tired last night I didn't have the energy to write up a blogpost today. I have more indoor work to do today, along with canning, and digging up carrots from the garden. Jesse cracks me up most days. He thinks he is a small dog that can squeeze into that chair.

  6. I loved this post and I may have to join as it is what I do on Mondays...plan for the week. Inspiring and nice to know other bloggers do housework! LOL!


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