Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yellow Squash Relish ~ Random Tidbits

My sides with breakfast are garden potatoes with onion and green pepper, leftover squash patties, and a cup of organic wild thyme tea.  The only thing missing was a slice of homemade English muffin slathered in homemade Cinnamon blueberry jam.  I would be baking the muffins, but garden duty calls most days. 

This was yesterday's breakfast.  Today?  I'm not so sure.  It's my turn to not get any sleep.  I was woken up by Hubby at 3:30am, who was up for some reason and let a dog out.  In the process he held the door open too long and out went Tiger (youngest one's cat).  We ran around the house a few times and finally got him in.  I never fell back asleep until just before Hubby's alarm went off - 5:30am.   I have a long day ahead (more canning).

I surprised Hubby with a dinner of taco salad.  I popped open a jar of home canned taco sauce the other night.

Is anyone else finding a place to sit at their table this time of year? It's becoming quite the challenge here lately.  My spaghetti squash is starting to harvest now.

I canned my first batch of yellow squash relish.   I've never canned this before.  Once we open a jar, I'll give you my update on flavor and versatility.  I used Taste of Home's recipe, and felt I had a bit too much brine (note to self - always read the all of the reviews first).  I'll pack the squash tighter, when measuring, or toss in extra.  I might even make it again with some hot peppers in it too.  I think this would be good mixed with peas, maybe green beans, over black beans, and on some meats. 

By the way, shredded yellow squash is great for making hash browns.  Just add some shredded potatoes, onion, garlic and salt.  Note: I squeezed the liquid out of the squash before mixing them with everything.  

Sadly we lost a barred rock hen.  Not sure why, but she could have been egg bound.  I checked the poo today and it all looks healthy.

School starts in 6 days.  The mail lady has delivered the dreaded letters - school fees. The total this year is a whopping $262.00.  For that amount I could almost buy a ton of wood pellets to heat all winter. 

The best time to make my garden layout, for next year, is now.  I ordered a bunch of gardening books from the library, so I can get it all down before I forget things.  Or lose my ambition.   I take advantage of the canner pot, and while things are boil sealing, I read snippets from books.  I'm almost finished with one book this season (gotta get it in where I can these days).

And speaking of canning, I need to get back to the stove.  I did tackle the zucchini yesterday, but it's in a marinade to get canned today.  First, I need to peel some tomatoes.  I'll be back to share soon. 


  1. I would love to know how you can your zucchini. I have done a relish that was just okay - and I do shred and freeze. And thanks for the tip about adding shredded yellow squash to hash browns! The two things that are always in abundance are potatoes and squash. Be sure to be extra careful while canning today - that lack of sleep can affect your focus... :)

  2. I have been sitting looking out the window and plotting my next year garden. So many things I didnt get planted this year. Like potatoes that look pretty tastey on your plate! Have fun canning!

  3. Kristina, What kind of school fees? Private school? Your breakfast looks great.

  4. Lisa, this is a public school. When the kids get into high school, the fees climb. In elementary and middle school the fees are $45.00 per student. It used to be $35.00 not long ago.

  5. Those fried eggs look kinda like the ones our Mom use to make. Our Dad use to tell people, "You might as well order 'em scrambled, that's how you're gonna get 'em anyway." ROFLOL And it was true. Dad could make picture perfect eggs, nearly any way you wanted 'em, Mom - nope; they always look like the dog had already gotten to 'em.

    I'm pretty good with picture perfect eggs too any way ya like 'em, but we have much better pans and utensils now than they had back then. My favorites are 6 minute eggs; not 5 minute, not 7 minute - SIX MINUTE EGGS (hee hee) with which I like to have buttered toast fingers, salt, pepper and a cuppa joe or tea.

    I have a great recipe for squash fritters somewhere, made mostly with Bisquick, shredded yellow or zucchini squash and shredded cheddar, fried up in a bit of butter. It's yummy!!!

    God bless.


  6. Your breakfast looks amazing. Your blog always makes me hungry - good job I've got some degree of will power!!!


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