Friday, August 15, 2014

Zucchini Salsa ~ Yellow Squash Hash Browns ~ Tidbits

I have really enjoyed the tiny bit if porch time I've been able to get this week.  I'm soaking up the cool weather, because I am sure it will turn hot and humid (again).  Then again, it's very nice this morning. 

Before I share my canning results yesterday, I want to share a bit of other good news.  I finally heard from Daughter in GA.  She phased up faster than anyone in her platoon, and was promoted to PG (in charge of a platoon of soldiers).   She can now have visitors, leave post, and even wear civilian clothing.  We are very proud.  She is the only female PG.

A quick update on Son.  We received an invitation from Geiger, NC.  There will be another graduation for him after he finishes MCT (Marine Combat Training).  However, this time we are unable to attend.  I wrote him to tell him, but have not received a call from him (yet).  He may not even have time to see us if we do attend, and may be put on a plane to CA right after he graduates MCT.

(sorry for the bad photo)

 (just starting to cook)

Breakfast was organic buckwheat pancakes, sausage and homemade yellow squash/potato hash browns.  My 15 year-old helped with breakfast so I could get my canner pot going.  I have to say, the ingredients for hash browns will go camping with us every year for our breakfast.  It's completely from the garden - half and half shredded yellow squash (unpeeled), and potatoes, cooked with diced onion and a bit of powdered garlic.  And a bit of salt and pepper of course.

Now for the zucchini......

If you are wondering what I did with my zucchini, and why it was marinating overnight, I canned my first zucchini salsa.  Years ago, when I was playing around canning different types of salsas (and even had a "Salsa Party"), I never thought to can zucchini salsa.   The recipe I used is linked.  I read through the reviews and only cut the sugar in half.  I did use the corn starch, but only because I have non-gmo corn starch.  I also put in about 12 cups of zucchini, and ended up with 8 pints (not the 10-12 the recipe states).  If I make this again, I will probably cut the corn starch out.  I'm letting it sit a few days before we pop open a jar to try it.  I did buy organic tomato paste for this recipe.

After cleaning up my canning mess, I realized I was out of homemade baking mix. That was the next thing I made.  I use the recipe from Candy over at Lazy J Bar C Farm blogspot.

This season appears to be a "Squash" year, despite not getting acorn squash planted.  I cooked up a squash casserole with corn (from allrecipes).  I had a few handful of green beans so I cooked them up and tossed in some squash relish.  The taste?  Wonderful to both.  

Note:  I substituted butter for the oil in the casserole dish, used corn we froze off the cob, used an entire onion (did not saute any veggies, we liked them a bit crunchy), used homemade baking mix, tossed in some cornmeal  (sorry but I doubled and didn't really measure, maybe 1/2 cup cornmeal to double it in a 9 x 13 in baking dish).

The kids said the casserole would be a nice compliment to a family gathering, and we do plan to try the squash relish with peas next.

What's next on the canning list?  Well, I can't go and spoil it now can I? Then again, I don't really have a plan, so we'll just have to wait and see. I kind of go with the flow of the garden.


  1. Congrats to your son and daughter. You must be so proud.

    I have made zucchini relish before. We were given some zucchini so I may make some again. I have never tried zucchini salsa before. Have a great day.

  2. It's getting hot here for the last time I hope..I can see Fall being early this year. It's been a beautiful summer here and not nearly as hot as usual.
    I keep forgetting to hit the "read more" so I'll have to go back. I need to freeze beans today. Glad "the kids" are doing so well!

  3. Congratulations to your daughter, that is awesome. And same to your son to, sorry you can't attend the graduation.

    Your canning sounds yummy, love zucchini relish.

  4. Great to hear about the accomplishments of your daughter and son. Prayers for them both as they go forward in their military careers, and for their loved ones and for all they serve with.

    God bless.



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