Wednesday, August 13, 2014


We have been having some wonderfully cool weather.  The wind was perfect for drying laundry, but I often forget about it until I'm retiring for the night and see it (the laundry) staring at me through the window. 

It's perfect camping weather, but we are bogged down with duties.  The kids almost put up a tent last night, but they chickened out.  There were excuses too - no "camping" food, nothing to make s'mores with, too windy for a campfire, etc.

I got a bit of a break and took advantage of it yesterday.  I shipped Daughter her mail, and wrote a letter to Son.  I even got around to putting their graduation announcements in the newspaper (can't wait to see them, save them, and show the kids when they get home).

I even took my crochet project to the porch, but eventually had to abandon it, then went looking for it later.   When I took it to my room, three girls followed me along with a dog and cat.  My bed was overflowing with voices, and "I'm bored" and "what can we do, school is almost starting."  Finally, after almost getting tossed off my own bed from their rukus, I turned on the TV to that Bravo reality show.  "Mom, how can you listen to that?!"  I admit, listening to women bicker was not my intention, but it did clear out the room (ha ha ha!)

The cool weather is teasing me to go sit on the porch with my morning coffee, but I'm afraid I'll sulk that I'm not camping.  I think next year, I'll simply put the camper at the closest campground, and leave it there for a week.  Then we can take off any night and at least have a night of unplugging and enjoying nature.  Maybe even do some fishing.

Until then, I have yellow squash calling me. Then zucchini, and then weeds.  I am pretty sure I have one head of cauliflower I need to cook too.  I'm afraid to go check my hot banana peppers, and I need to dig up some potatoes this week.  I need to dig out my dehydrator and get some onion powder made too.  Even though it's been crazy busy this season, I am adding new veggies to my list to plant next year.


  1. I got up this morning and it was only 66° outside! I have been thinking of crocheting more and more-- a sure fire sign that the summer will be winding down soon. :/ Not ready to see it go...we've had a pretty mild summer.
    I also have some dehydrating to do...garlic for me.

  2. I think that's a great idea - if the camper is already there, all you have to do is pack the s'more ingredients and head out! I noticed some leaves turning already today. Good Lord!

  3. I get tired just listening to your list of Things To Do. LOL
    God bless.


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