Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

I thought these blog posts were fun, so today (although it's Tuesday and not Monday), I'm joining Happy Homemaker's Monday, hosted by Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and many others.

As I look outside my window ~

Stormy skies to the west, and bright sunshine to the east.

Right now I am ~
Still sitting here in my pajamas, sipping coffee, with an ice pack on my swollen eyes.

Thinking and Pondering~
 That I should be out feeding the chickens and goats already.

On my bedside table ~
A photo of Hubby and I at the island, Alias's dog ball, and needle and thread.

On my TV this week ~
I watched the Walton's last night a bit. We like watching movies on Netflix, but it was down last night.

Listening to ~
The traffic on the highway.  The refrigerator hum.

On the Menu this week ~
For the first time, I have no idea.  We still have leftovers from Daughter's "send off" party.

On my to-do list~
Laundry, feed and water animals, trip to the library, plant either potatoes or tomatoes if the weather holds out today.  I also need to write a letter to the person who answered his phone late last night, and assisted us with our daughter's lodging (she was stuck at the airport in Chicago for the night).  I also need to write to my son.

Happening this week ~
To simply reclaim my clean home again, get some time with God to "fill up my tank" and possibly make more cheese with the goat's milk.

What I am creating ~
Currently I'm working on crocheted dishcloths.

My simple pleasure ~
Sitting on my front porch.

Homemaking tips ~
I can't say enough about the homemade grout cleaner recipe I found in a library book.  It's the best I've ever used so far.

Looking around the house ~
There are mini-messes I need to clean up, dogs are crashed in various places and sleeping.

From my camera ~
I was thrilled to see that winter had not killed off my dwarf bleeding heart.

Prayer List ~
-my son who is at Parris Island for Marine boot camp
-my oldest daughter who is on her way to SC for National Guard basic training
-my mother (visiting her heart doctor soon)
-my father
-various friends who asked for prayers 

Bible verse, Devotional ~
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)


  1. Hi Kristina, welcome to my Happy Homemaker Monday post :)

    I love meeting new faces and getting to know them, and I think I'm going to really enjoy your blog. We have a lot of the same likes and I would love nothing more than to live in a self sufficient farm surrounded by chickens and goats and pigs and cows LOL

    Will be reading and catching up on your blog today :)

    Have a great week!

  2. I will have to stop over at her blog. I don't think my bleeding heart made it. :(


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