Monday, May 12, 2014

Dandelion Poultice ~ Homesteading Tidbits

We are blessed with an abundance of dandelions this spring.  As I was looking out at the grass that needs mowed, I got a text from my older brother.

So you know how nutty I am with making things with dandelions, right?  We've made jelly, a gravy, and dried dandelion root to make "coffee" with it.

I have a ton of dandelions, but don't really need jelly right now.  We still have some from last year.  I think one of these years, we may try making dandelion wine.

But for now, I am picking and drying some dandelion leaves.  My oldest brother sent me a text that you can treat poison ivy rash with a dandelion poultice.

Oh, he also gave me a new dandelion recipe (uses dandelion buds) too.  I just may have to make it this week.

Back to my thoughts on dandelions....fresh is best for a poultice, but dried works too.  Right now we have a ton out there, so I decided it was best to get some leaves dried in case we need any for the poultice this summer and fall.  A few of us get it badly when we get poison ivy too. 

I'm still researching recipes for this particular poultice, but if you have any thoughts or suggestions to share, please do so in a comment.  For example, one recipe indicates using fresh dandelion leaves, aloe and honey - all natural ingredients.

While I was picking dandelion leaves for drying I picked some for a fresh salad too.  

I did spend Mother's Day in the garden, as Hubby had to work all weekend.  I got my cauliflower, broccoli, and some more potatoes planted.  Oh, and I got my new elderberry trees in the ground as well.  We really didn't have any "Mother's Day" plans, and I do love to work in my garden.  My oldest daughter made homemade, chocolate chip waffles for breakfast.  Yum!

I also got my first batch of homemade ricotta cheese made.  Daughter had enough goat's milk for me.  

Speaking of "daughter" we drove our oldest to her military office today.  She is on her way to South Carolina for her National Guard basic training.  I guess I'll be writing a lot more letters. 

Sunday morning, I watched a fox walk into the barn where the meat chickens are.  It was not able to get any chickens, but I am concerned if he/she continues to hang around. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you many people don't know how beificial and versatile dandelions actually are !


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