Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's Back (in my best sing-song voice)

We went from this on Tuesday.....

 . . . to this on Wednesday.  This is a photo from this morning.   The wind blew the entire day and even blew drifts inside the animal barn.  This part of the horseshoe drive, had 5 foot drifts across by 5:00pm.  Not only did we go from melted snow to piles of snow, we went from 50°F on Tuesday to -10°F wind chill today.   And yes, some water pipes are frozen, but thankfully not my shower (woo hooooo to that!). 

Hubby's truck would not start this morning either.  School called and closed last night for today, and we expected that.  The country highway by us is terrible yet this morning.  All driver's are driving about 35 mph this morning.

With school closed yesterday, I took advantage of the snow day and worked on filing more recipes.  I even tried one too.  I did not get photos (they gobbled it up that fast).  I'll try to post that recipe later.  

With all the plowing last night we did not get wood split, so we will have to today or later tonight if we want to stay warm.  My supply on the porch is down to the last of the last again.

Peanut (oldest goat) is 8 days from her due day, so I hope she holds out until warmer weather.  We are looking forward to baby goats in the house again.

With my major allergy flare up (the worst ever), sick kitty, miserable weather and all, I thought it was due time for a gratitude list.  This was a recent (gratitude) Bible study topic for me, and to be thankful during difficult times does not happen immediately for me.  For example, thankful for the snow, thankful for the allergies God gave me.....thankful for all things

So, here goes....

Today I am thankful for:
~ eggs from the chickens
~ Hubby's grand nephew for plowing us out
~ the coffee Mom sent out to us (we'd be out if she had not)
~ that the sun is shining today
~ Son's comical attitude towards the blowing snow yesterday, as he was dressing to take the dogs out, that made us laugh
~ for Hubby getting me out of bed to search for car keys (which were in his pocket) so that I can enjoy peace and quiet before the kids get up, and get my exercise going
~ for honey in the cupboard 
~ food and water stocked up during this bad weather
~ God's Mercy
~ and herbal teas, which are soothing and offer medicinal help for my allergies and health

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV 

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."


  1. Yikes! What a quick change in the weather! :(
    It IS hard to be thankful sometimes but you seem to have found some things that are good!

  2. That is one of my favorite verses. I would like to cross stitch it to hang some where in my house. Darn snow, GO AWAY!

  3. A small ounce of gratitude makes the highest snow drift a little shorter. And laughter is always a good thing.

  4. It hasn't snowed here yet in England.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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