Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snow Storm ~ Allergies

Well, the weatherman was correct.  We woke up to snowing and blowing, but that was after the rain came.  School was closed.  It is to snow all day today also.

Sickness or allergies?  That is the question.  I was so sick Monday that I was back in my jammies by noon.  I'm not kidding.  I felt so much fatique, but my horrible cough kept me from resting.  I had a headache that felt like the beginning of a migraine.   I had no voice, and when I tried to call my chickens (getting too close to the road) they sat and stared.  They probably thought they were hearing another chicken squawk.
Hubby was right.  It was my allergies.  In a bad way.  The barn where we purchased the hay was horribly filled with hay dust, and my clothes were covered, my boots were covered in it, and so forth.  I think I was right when I said I had hay "up my nose."  I should have been smarter and lathered on my Hay Max (or a mask) before leaving, but never gave it a thought.  I did take allergy medication, and some of my symptoms are not so bad, and my cough is almost gone completely.  Live and learn.

Timmy's vet bill was $72.00 this time.  Last time it was $35.00.  He is now getting eye drops as well as another medication.  He seems to feel much better already.  I sure hope this is the last time we have to take him to the vet.

Today is a good day to curl up with a good book by the fire.


  1. Bummer on the snow but it does give you a reason to chill out.

  2. Hope this snow day allows you to rest and get well :)

  3. We don't have snow but the wind here will knock you off your feet.

  4. Oh no ! I thought Spring had sprung. If you have snow in America we often get it shortly after in the UK. I wish Timmy a speedy recovery. Our Neighbours have chickens. I found a box of fresh eggs on our doorstep this morning. They taste so much better than Supermarket ones. Take care now. Marion x

  5. You poor dear....what a winter you've had with it, illness, frozen pipes, animals sick...I think you have it all out of the way now so you will have a great rest of the year!

  6. I'm glad your allergies are a little better. The snow day will give you a chance to rest up and let your body heal some more.

  7. You folks are having one heckuva winter! And talk about a bad allergy attack! Whoa, girl, you've got to take better care of yourself when being around situations that could harm you. As sick as you've been, well, that's just not good. Takes too much of your energy when you could be doing something enjoyable. Let alone all the myriad of things that NEED to be done in a day's time. Hope you can get rid of all your symptoms soon.


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