Friday, March 14, 2014

Steep Sacks ~ Tidbits

The last time Hubby and I made a trip to restock our organic items (the ones we cannot find around here nor can order online), I purchased Steep Sacks made by The Republic of Tea.

(photo from Republic of Tea)

I love these for my loose leaf tea.   The box of 100 did not cost me the whopping $7.00 they sell it for online either.  The nature store I purchased them at, had them at a lower price.  It is one of those items they only sell in the store as well.

Next trip, I plan to buy 2 boxes.  My girls here (and Hubby) are tea drinkers too.  These were well worth the price of convenience. 

I purchased material to sew my own reusable teabags, but over a long period of time, have not been able to locate any food safe string (which pulls the teabag closed to steep).  So, if you like loose leaf tea, and your metal do-dads leave too much residue in your tea (those ball strainers), search for the Steep Sacks at your local nature/health stores first.

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The weather here today will be nice and warm, and we expect the melt again.  Typically we'll have high winds this time of year and it really helps to dry it all out.  The wind will help speed up the use of my clothesline once again.  We joked about putting stone underneath it one year. 

The chickens will be very happy this week.  Last week, during the few days they were out and about, they refused to go back in their coop at night. 

Yesterday, I read in the newspaper, that the governor was granting our school district calamity days.  Finally.  However there is a catch, and they must use 4 days from vacations etc.first.  I believe they are going to use one day of Easter break to make up already.  I think they have missed about 14 days of school from closings this year.

Meat chickens are $1.20/each this year.  We have one week to decide and order them.

Today will be a good day to dig deeper, and continue my extreme clean here. 

Have a good weekend!


  1. I hope the thaw goes smooth and the wind blows to dry things up. Could you use butchers twine for making your teabags? I noticed that the meat chickens were $1.20 at Tractor Supply in my neck of the woods too.

  2. Steep sacks are great - had some for my birthday.
    Lovely and warm here too but snow forecast for the weekend!

  3. I have clothes line supports at either end of my front deck. That way I don't have to leave the deck to hang my clothes. Comes in really handy especially during our muddy, muddy spring season. And, of course, if I choose to hang things out in the winter when plowing through the 3' or so of snow would be inconvenient!

  4. I use kitchen twine for my tea bags it works great and it's perfectly safe.


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