Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sunset ~ Sick Hubby ~ Another Cold Blast

Sharing a sunset photo from Sunday evening.  Just a few minutes after taking the photos, the beautiful pinks completely disappeared.

Thankfully, I have some loose leaf elderflower tea on hand.  Hubby is home sick. You know when men get sick (at least mine), they turn into blabbering babies.  I may even drain off one of my jars of elixir early (if the tea doesn't help).  

Hubby is being haggled at work for not getting a flu shot.  I won't go into why we don't, but we don't.  The threat of flu is all about us, and we are taking other precautions.  The first - washing our hands often.  The kids went to the movies last night, and the first thing I told them, was to wash their hands.  Limiting my trips to town is another.  With this said, I am looking forward to a much better garden bounty this year, resulting in a better food storage (less trips to town and less risk for illness).

Last night's weather turned ugly.  We are now entering another blast of frigid weather.  The wind was blowing last night too.  School delayed 2 hours, and the driveway is drifted pretty bad in a few places.

I'm cooking up a pot of dry black beans.  I'm not sure what I will do with them for dinner yet, but they are loaded with antioxidant compounds, and increase energy levels (and much more).  

I finally finished the crocheted baby blanket last night.  I told Hubby, I better start another one, considering how long they take to make, and the possibility of needing to gift more of them.  For now, I am crocheting some baby bath cloths.  When I am finished with the baby gifts, I will need to make a decision on whether we will participate in this year's Farmer's Market.


  1. Beautiful photo, God's handiwork.

    Hope hubs is well soon. We have the snow and cold as well. No schools around here.

  2. Oh dear, man flu! 'tis a terrible thing.
    Amazing sun set!

  3. I hope your hubby gets to feeling better soon, there is nothing worse than a sick man! LOL!!
    My hubby DID get a flu shot this year and was sick with the flu within two weeks and THEN gave it to me! Grrrr...
    You guys stay safe and warm!

  4. I hope your husband feels better as the flu is not fun no matter what sex you are. The photo is gorgeous and it sounds like you are really getting a lot done on your crocheting. I hope you all stay warm and safe and healthy.


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