Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby Bath Cloths ~ Elixir ~ No Hot Water

There are 3 crochet patterns for baby bath cloths in the book 150 Weekend Crochet Projects, by White Birches. I used one of the patterns for these two.  I think I'll include a bar of unscented handmade goat's milk soap too.

Hubby's fever broke last night.  I did drain off a jar of elderberry elixir for him too.  Today, the doctor diagnosed him with walking pneumonia.  Hubby said that particular sickness has been getting passed around at work.  Now, he wants to start growing our own elderberries.  In other words, the elixir works pretty well.

Today is day 2 without hot water.   Thanks to family and friends, some of us got (or are getting) hot showers elsewhere today (I left Mom a bar of goat's milk soap in thanks for the hot shower).  Yep...pipes froze again.  We are borrowing a salamander heater, in hopes to thaw us out.  Say a prayer.  The dishes are piled high, and if we can't thaw out, we'll be heating lots of pots of water.  Besides, Hubby could use a hot steamy bath for his recovery too.

Now that the baby gifts are finished I can dive into my closet and pull out all of those started-but-never-finished projects.  Some may not get finished.  Decisions, decisions.  Then again, I may just crochet a set of baby booties first.


  1. I really like that pattern! So sorry about the frozen pipes, we have had that happen a couple of times but only for maybe 5 or 6 hours. I'm glad your hubby is feeling better but not glad of his diagnosis. I too have heard wonderful things about elderberry. :)

  2. We used a 110v welder to thaw ours in just a few minutes. Look into it!
    Goodluck with all the sickness in the family.

  3. Glad your husband went to the doctor and that the elderberry helped. Too bad about frozen pipes though.
    I love that crochet stitch in your wash cloths...very pretty.
    It's very cold here too for as South as we are.

  4. Ooof! Not so good, that walking pneumonia. I know it's hard for a man to do (or a mom!) but he has to be careful not to get back to his routine too soon or he'll be back in sick bay once again.

    I've been taking elderberry syrup in water and it's really helped a stuffed up sinus situation I had going on.

    Sure hope you can get that hot water (or should I say no hot water) situation cleared up soon.

  5. Sure hope you get those pipe unfroze! And hope the hubby gets better and doesn't spread to anyone else in your family.

  6. Lovely washcloths.
    Could do with some of your elixir here - my son and I have come down with the most horrible flu!


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