Saturday, December 28, 2013

Reflections of 2013

I enjoy reflecting on the previous year, as we bring in a new year.  So grab of cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage, and join me.
Made my first hay net. 

Click on "read more" for more reflections in no particular order, and definitely not all of them. . .

In 2013 I discovered many new, and healthy recipes, such as Lentil Casserole, Spinach Cups, Sausage and Cheese Pancakes, Pinto Bean Veggie Burgers.....and so many other new recipes.

Canned new jams such as Holiday Cranberry Jam, Reduced Sugar Pear Jam, Cantaloupe Jam with Vanilla, and Caramel Apple Jam.

Made homemade toothpaste for the first time.

Experimented with recipes that use Lard in them. 

Made homemade Granola bars.

Caught the flu, was nursed by to health and made homemade ginger ale.  Delicious!

Finished my first braided rag rug (from recycled bed sheets and pillow cases).

Brought my daughter's horse home, but sadly (and still heart broken about it) she was sold.

 Made my first batch of homemade shampoo.

Hubby and I took some wonderful "marriage saver" getaways to Amish country and the Island.  One trip, in which I tried frog legs for the first time.


Read many good books.

 Wrote lots of letters.

Obtained my first ever fishing license.

Purchased and installed 4 rain barrels (two styles), and have been very happy with them.  It was a good investment.

Participated in another year at a local Farmer's Market.  My son not only created our farm logo, but gifted me this apron to wear to the market.

Crocheted my first "Ma Ingall's" style shawl.  I love it!

Found many good thrift/antique items we can use.

Pickled homegrown sugar snap peas for the first time.

 Planted and enjoyed much beauty.

Made homemade Teriyaki Sauce for the first time, and love it.

Made my first batch of Refrigerator Radish Pickles.

Battled rain, bad storms, and high winds, but managed to get a few tiny bits from the garden.  We did lose a good 90% of the entire vegetable garden, due to bad weather.

Even though we had the battle with bad weather, we were able to purchase good produce and stock up a bit.

Purchased our first camper.  Yay!

Suffered from more bad storms that came through our area.

Dehydrated my homegrown garlic and onions and made garlic and onion powder for the first time.  

Took the family on fun camping trips.  We love this camper!

We were blessed with many loads of free (good) firewood

Lost 25 pounds due to changing my lifestyle, eating habits, and adding some intentional exercise.

Raised meat chickens and invested in my layers.

Stayed in a yurt for the first time (a wonderful surprise from Hubby).

Adopted a 13 year-old pit bull mix, from our local (kill) shelter.  He, since then, has put on some much needed weight, and is a very relaxed, and loved dog.

Created some fun recycled, bottle cap necklaces and keychains.....

Created many beautiful embroidered note cards......

Learned the art of Zentangle.

Dehydrated cottage cheese for the first time.

Grew, and harvested pinto beans for the first time.

Dehydrated blueberries for the first time.

Made homemade vanilla extract for the first time, and love it.  It's delicious in homemade goat's milk ice cream.

Discovered new things about our big, old barn.

Harvested our first homegrown pears, and made jam, and other delicious recipes with them.

We were gifted a few bags of homegrown English walnuts, and made Maple-Walnut Butter (along with many other delicious walnut recipes).

Made homemade hot chocolate, and love it!

Rescued this lost/abandoned (declawed) cat from the elements and provided him food, water and a warm home.  As of today, he is still here.

Made homemade vapo-rub.

Made homemade Whiskey Sticks.


I learned to spend more time with God, and took better care of myself (and my family).

We definitely can say we kept the library in business this past year, as well as the U.S. Postal Service.

Happy New Year, and God Bless!


  1. Lovely seeing your year in review like that. You get so much done!!

  2. Wow! What a fantastic list of accomplishments for the past year. You should be very proud of yourself. 'Tis not easy to "step out of the box" and try/do as many new and worthwhile things as you did. Movin' forward! That's what keeps us growing and learning and improving. Now I need a short nap after reading and thinking about all you've done!

  3. Wow! what a year, huh?
    I remember lots of these and you certainly inspired me in more ways than you know.
    Love coming here and reading all about your simple, frugal and fun life!
    --Happy New Year, Pat


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