Friday, November 22, 2013

Homemade Hot Chocolate

"What's that?" asked my 19 year-old daughter, pointing to the large jar of mix on the kitchen table (and very curious to try whatever it was).

"It's homemade hot chocolate?" I responded with a smile.  "Want to try some?"
Growing up, my mother made large batches of homemade hot chocolate, but I was determined to find one that was healthier.  Sorry Mom. 

Go ahead.  Read the label on the hot chocolate mixes at your store.  Do you see "fully hydrogenated coconut oil" or "corn syrup solids" or sugar as the first ingredient?  How about added salt?

Sad really.  We love this stuff, but never really took the time to read the ingredients.  This year we did. I guess, with being "busy" making everything else from scratch, it had not occurred to me.  Convenience got the best of me.  Sadly.


With the help of a farmgirl friend, and a shared recipe, I found one that we like.  

Hot Chocolate Mix
8 cups powdered milk
1/4-3/4 cup cocoa powder*
2 cups granulated sugar

Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container.  Mix 3-4 Tbsp. with hot water in a mug.

Even though the kids gave me that "yuck" look the first sip they tried, I caught them later sneaking another cup of it. Ha ha ha!  *We like this mix made with 2/3 to 3/4 cup cocoa, and we use 4 Tbsp. of dry mix per cup. 

As for buying organic cocoa powder, it will cost you more.  A lot more.  Cocoa weighs heavy, and can run your price way up.   Until I can afford to buy my cocoa organic, this recipe is much healthier for my family, and they can get more benefits from drinking it (versus those so-called hot chocolate mixes sold in stores today).

Looking for homemade gifts for Christmas?  Try a cup of Lavender Hot Chocolate, from Conner Orchards (I tried some, and yum!).


  1. It's funny how sometimes there are things we just don't "think" about making homemade until some light goes on over our heads! :)
    I usually just add cocoa and sugar to a mug of milk and heat it in the microwave.

  2. I haven't made Homemade cocoa in years!
    You've reminded me what I've been missing.
    I think I'll make some.

  3. I'll be right over,,, have my Lavender Cocoa ready please... :>)

  4. I will definately be trying this. I am in the UK where we measure in Ounces or Grams. How many Ounces or Grams are there in a Cup please ? Marion

  5. A little over a year ago, I stopped to take the time to read store bought hot chocolate labels. I was appalled! That was the day I started making my own and now I am spoiled to it (sorry I haven't posted my recipe, yet, I kinda got side-tracked, as always, well, that and I eye-ball measure and have to get my measurements down so I can share them). I use the Zulka brand Morena sugar in mine, instead of white sugar, and it really makes the taste even richer (not to say healthier) and doesn't add much more to the cost, really. Right now, I am making mine with actual, fluid whole milk instead of powdered, but when I can find it, I use the whole milk powder (getting really hard to find).
    Try adding a dash or two of cayenne powder to the mix in your cup just before you add in the hot water. The wonderful flavor will amaze you, and warms you up even more on those extra cold days.

  6. I agree about processed mixes. But coconut oil is super healthy.

  7. I'm going to try this but substituting with Coconut Sugar. My husband
    is diabetic and Coconut Sugar has a low glycemic level and lower caloric count
    so I'm hoping this will work for him. Over the counter has Splenda which in and of
    itself is really bad and the ingredients on store bought is nothing but bad bad bad.

  8. Can you substitute Splenda for the sugar?

  9. Sister Adams, I would think it Splenda would work as well.

  10. Judie, I have never seen coconut sugar in our stores (nor heard about it). Thanks for the info.


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