Saturday, November 23, 2013

Healthy Breakfast Sides

I'm cutting breakfast costs down, by eliminating organic/natural boxed breakfast cereals.  That cuts down on buying organic milk as well.  

That leaves breakfast to some type of egg dish, because our faithful chickens are supplying us an abundance right now.  So, in search for a veggie side (that was not a bread or meat, or a vegetable mixed into the eggs) that I can add to scrambled eggs, I found several.

It's tough to find time to roast vegetables, so I roasted them for dinner, making extra for leftovers.  Then I simply re-heat them as a side for breakfast.

What did we try?

We roasted Beets n' Sweets first (pictured above).  It's a combination of beets, sweet potatoes and onions.  The results?  Delicious.  It's a combination of beets, sweet potatoes, onions, and garlic powder.  I followed the recipe (linked), but did not add the sugar, and used a regular yellow onion. And of course, I used my homemade garlic powder.  These went so fast, I almost didn't have any leftover for breakfast the next day.  This was a very colorful dish too.

Next, we tried a root vegetable hash recipe from Clean Eating.  I did not poach the eggs, and simply cooked them over easy.  It's basically up to you on this recipe.  I did not have grape seed oil, so I used olive oil (what I had on hand).  Honestly, I think 1 jalapeno was not enough to flavor this side, but everyone ate it.  Again, it's a very colorful, and healthy side dish.

The best part of this recipe?  You can boil up your sweet potatoes and parsnips a few days ahead of time.

Next, we tried Hot and Sour Swiss Chard (also from Clean Eating).  I doubled the recipe, and used 1/2 tsp. chili pepper flakes (but could have cut back a teensy bit on it).  Most of the kids tried it and liked it, and we thought it would be a nice leftover to mix into scrambled eggs as well as a side.  It does have a wonderful sweet/sour "thing" going on with it.  The honey/apple cider creates a unique flavor.


  1. This would fit right into my whole30 breakfasts!!

  2. I would really like that root vegetable hash with the poached egg! YUM!!
    Hubby was just telling me the other day that when he eats cereal for breakfast, he ends up being hungry all day long. I think you are much better off with a protein and either some vegetables or fruit. I have done a mixed fruit salad a couple of times recently with a honey/lime dressing.

  3. I have got to try the first combo, I just love roasted root veggies.

  4. Those all sound great and especially the one with the beets as I love beets. I am eating oatmeal in the morning and I'm loving it especially since it has gotten so cold here.


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