Tuesday, June 11, 2013

De-Stressing in the Rain & Gettin' a "Do"

I snapped this photo a day before the rain arrived.  Color is blooming all around the home this summer.

I took my book, and this time a highlighter and notebook, to the front porch.  Oh, and do you see what else I took out there?  A gourmet lollipop!  Butterscotch.  Yum!

I've made it to "Part 2" in this book now, but I've already checked off several "tests" and feel these questions have been repeated so many times in other books.  So far, I have only been reminded that I have too much stress in my life, and most of it is "Chronic."  I guess I have a lot of work to do.  And many more family meetings.

However, I did realize that I do have a habit of waiting until a time of "crisis" before praying (I bought this book at a Christian bookstore).  So, I took my Bible, dusted off the cover (tsk, tsk), and headed back to the porch.  When I opened it, I found an article I had clipped and tucked inside it.  Here's what it said:

Funny how I needed to read that article, and at that same time.  There will be no more dust on my Bible.

As for knocking out more stress, I think I will be teaching each kid to cook their favorite meals.  Last night I made broiled, mustard crusted cod with spinach/green onion.  They practically lick their plates (all but one daughter who won't eat fish) when I make it.  After my 13 year-old said, "Man I love this fish!" for the third time, I told her "Good, it's time for you to learn how to cook it."

The prep I do for the Farmer's Market is also a stress factor - kids fight, kids want to buy things, they argue during set-up and tear down etc. etc.  Then there is the making of all the items.  I wanted to bring in a new item this week, but after breaking down the cost of sugar, organic apple cider and butter, I could not come up with a price that will still give me back profit, and sell it at a reasonable price (Vinegar Candy).  So, I'm learning to eliminate by breaking down the cost to make things.  I may be cutting out my jams and jellies too, in which I have to buy the fruit for.  I may keep my pear, wild black raspberry, but cut out (and only stock up for home) the others.  Hubby and I are talking about getting a permit, to sell from the roadside instead.  That would eliminate the packing up, fighting, unloading, fighting, and loading again (and fighting) stress.  

In the book Breaking Clean, by Judy Blunt, she talks about how at age 8 (she grew up on a ranch), her fingers hurt so bad she couldn't hold onto a fork at dinner.  She even passed out while working in a potato field.  Now-a-days, most kids complain about having to wash a few dishes or even fold clothes.  I do insist my kids all take on housework, even if it means hearing their mouths jabber on and complain.  I was told by Hubby, that at work, most parents tell him they just do all the work because all the fighting is not worth it.  I beg to differ.  Kids need to learn how to get along, not complain, and not fight, and not argue.  And most of all, take on responsibility in a peaceful manner.  That alone, will reduce my stress in half.

A Mom can dream can't she? 

Oh, and guess what else I found inside my Bible?  He he!  Hand written coupons from my youngest daughter.  Two are for hair-do's from her.  Guess who's gettin' a "do" tonight?  Or maybe two? 


  1. I remember those days of arguments over chores so well. But hold your ground. I think that has helped me kids to be responsible adults. Good luck !!

  2. You're on the right track. Kids needs to be respectful and pitch in. A good work ethic is a must. All my kids were doing their laundry (supervised) starting in 3rd grade, cleaned parts of the house, set the table, took out trash, etc. We had a chore list, which rotated, and everybody got on board. There were consequences for not doing things and they got a small allowance for helping. BUT we stressed it was about participating in the house and not being paid. No work, no pay, just like a real job.

  3. I LOVED! this post Kristina!!!
    I so need to knock the dust off my bible too... I've let it sit for way to long. You're certainly an encouragement to me.
    I'd say knock the dust off everyones bibles...let them have some quiet time...starting with Philippians 2:14 "Do ALL things without grumbling or disputing."
    Seriously...I can take my own advice and I can take your example by eliminating some STRESS!

    You go,girl!!!

  4. Seems like your bible was calling for you and you finally listened!

    And yes, I agree, kids need to learn how to do chores no matter how small (ok, maybe not a crawling, bottle-toting baby), even if it's just getting the silverware out for supper.

  5. First of all, the petunias are gorgeous!! We had to do chores when I was a kid and it didn't stunt my growth any. Okay, well, maybe that IS why I'm short! LOL!! Seriously though, if more parents would take the stand that you are, I think kids would be better off.
    One of the other vendors at our Farmer's Market sells jams, jellies and pickles for $4 for a half pint and $6 for a pint and they sell like crazy!

  6. It seems that kids don't stop the complaining until they get old enough to leave home and have to live in a dorm or with friends in an apt. Suddenly, they begin to see the big picture and begin to appreciate what you were providing to them. When they personally have to deal with what's for dinner or someone else messing up the kitchen and not doing their dishes, they are then forced to figure it all out. As long as they live at home, that change in attitude just does not seem to drastically change. Not a reason to give up on teaching them but you might not reap the benefits until they leave home and get a new life perspective. Such is our lot as Moms!!! I love your idea of a farm stand at your home. That would be so much easier and could be open more days during peak traffic times. I have seen such stands at Amish farms and it seems to work quite well. Good luck!!


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