Monday, June 10, 2013

Farmstead Fun & Another Rooster Gone Wild

Hubby and I have been busy weeding flower beds, herb gardens and the vegetable garden. I also cut some oregano and thyme for drying.

On Saturday, I came inside to refill my water bottle and make sure the kids were up.  I took a quick look inside the shower and instead of tiles going back up, more were coming down.  Hubby found more mushy grout and pulled more tile off the wall to dry it out.  The tile project continues.  I am thankful we have a separate bathtub.

My son and 16 year-old daughter are busy removing the old horse fencing.

I broke down and bought a crochet pattern on Etsy.  I've been pondering it for a while. However, Rooster's Crow Farm now has a Rooster Christmas tree ornament.  And I have a good way to use up my cotton scraps of yarn. Isn't he cute?!  

Here is where I found the pattern for this ornament:  PDF Crochet Pattern, Crocheted Rooster Ornaments (Etsy)

Sunday, I was banned from the outdoor work.  Every day I come in bone tired, and have absolutely no energy to cook a meal.  

Even though the kids know how to cook (somewhat), they don't know how to cook Lamb Gyros and Orange-infused Roasted Green Beans and Red Peppers.  I need to spend more time over winter, teaching them to cook more varieties.  I linked the recipes for you too.  The Lamb recipe is from Rachel Ray's magazine, and the roasted veggie recipe is from Eating Well.

In my quest to lose 16 lbs. by July 4th, I am now down 6.6 lbs.  I will need to lose 9.4 lbs. by July 4th.  

I am also watching the pollen count every day now.  I try to keep my outdoor work to no later than 10am, but it's tough. We continue to have constant work here.  However, watching the weather is helpful in helping me to keep my allergies from a full flare up.  

I participated in a blog craft swap, and have shipped my swap partners box last week (I hope she likes all of it).  I am also exchanging postcards in a swap, and have already received 6 postcards.   


  1. That rooster is really cute and I'm sure I've mentioned before how much I LOVE your herb drying rack!
    Hopefully, you guys can get that nasty mold under control. Sounds like a good plan with your allergy control too.
    Oh, and congrats on the weight loss! :)

  2. Cute chicken! That's the same pattern my blog pal used, and she gifted me some. I made a chicken christmas tree :) Have you tried wearing a dust mask outside? They're a pain when it's hot, but do keep some of the pollen out. We always strip down, when we get really dusty/dirty- shower, get clothes out of the house (laundry's in the garage), and change. It seems to keep down our sneezing and stuffiness. Hepa filter in the bedroom too, runs 24/7.

  3. Will you be posting the rooster pattern? I love your drying rack. I just found another project for my hubby.

  4. Thanks Candy - I made the drying rack from old barn wood and curtain hooks.

    Nancy, I do run a Hepa filter now in my bedroom (after last season), and I do try to wear a mask outside, but like you said, it's a pain.

    Michelle, I bought the pattern on Etsy, so I will post a link for it up in this post.

  5. Love the crochet rooster! I'v just hung some crochet bunting up for my chickies, maybe they would like a rooster too.

  6. I love your crocheted roosters!! They are just perfect for your homestead !! You must post a garden photo later when everything is striving and beautiful!!


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