Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Extreme Clean ~ Get'R Done Update

 (Tim just chillin')

Not really an exciting post, but here's my  "Extreme Clean - Get'R Done" update:

-re-potted one house plant
-cleaned out some items from the utility room and donated them
-my son cleaned out the fridge (YAY!) and he wiped all the shelves in it
-got the back porch cleaned off and furniture out (most of it)
-got storage containers for yarn and organized them in the utility room
-my son and 16 year-old daughter took two trips to recycling (Yay!)
-Hubby cleaned out all his magazines from the bedroom, and is dropping them off to recycling (big YAY!)
-Yesterday I dropped yet another box of items to donate to the thrift store this week.

Empty canning jars are a problem this time of year - I have them everywhere.  I need to get them back into the pantry in which they came from, until harvest time. We do use many of them for the goat's milk too.

And, those dusty light fixtures, remain dusty.  I have yet to get them all down and washed up.  If you visit me, just don't be lookin' at the lights. Hey, I've been busy, and who hasn't?

The "family" computer, bill paying station, in my kitchen is a hog mess.  I must tackle it before it becomes even worse. 

However, first, the garden is calling me.  Actually, it's calling me "back."  I have already been out there since about 7:30am and with rain on the way, I need to get back out there.  I just wish my kids were on board with the benefits of a garden, but the are not, and may never be.


  1. There's always something to do. My list just keeps getting longer.

  2. house needs a cleaning..send the kids! My light fixtures are a disaster..especially the kitchen track..there is really no fast, easy way to clean them..but like you, I feel the call of the garden, just pulling me outside..

  3. whew! I'm tired just looking at all you did!
    I'm jealous that you got so much done...but GOOD FOR YOU!

    I spent the day resizing photos for my etsy and stocking some items.
    But the rest of the week...I need to attend to some of the same as you!
    I find tons of inspiration here, when I read you blog. :)

  4. The canning jars are taking over here too! LOL!!
    Can't wait to see your garden pictures, they are always so pretty! :)

  5. I've been deep cleaning too- got rid of all my old homemade vhs tapes, after the vhs/dvd player died. We just bought a new dvd player instead. Deep cleaning is very satisfying, and you free up space~~~


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