Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dandelion Jelly, Dandelion Root and Fun Mail

I canned this season's first dandelion jelly.  Last year it did not set, and I had to re-boil it.  This year, I used a different recipe, and it set.  Now....we just have to taste it.

I used my Queen Anne's Lace Jelly recipe, but used about 2 cups of dandelion petals.  Next time I will use about a quart of petals and boil them a bit longer.  The kids really liked the flavor this time.

I also cleaned out 2 more flower beds, and pulled all the dandelions (several more to clean out yet).  The roots dried nicely in my dehydrator overnight.  My jar is filling back up.

I entered a blog giveaway, by Nancy Jo and won this apron book.  I can't wait to sew my own this year .....after I shed more pounds.  Thanks Nancy Jo.  It arrived very pretty, wrapped in tissue paper and ribbon.

After Easter, I am focusing on finished up to declutter spots - one bathroom drawer (kids keep messing it up) and one entrance area where boots are in an ugly mess.


  1. i want to try this dandelion jelly.
    I recently saw someone post dandelion this the same thing?

    The Husband has recently mowed and so my dandelion supply is down...I may have to wait.
    But I still want to try it!

    do you think this would help or hurt someone with allergies. (by helping i mean sort of like local honey does for people with allergies)


  2. Pat, this is actually jelly that I made. Not the same as syrup. I used my Queen Anne's Lace jelly recipe (also on my blog) and followed it the same only with dandelion petals. I will boil my petals longer next time, and add more to have about a quart of dandelion petals. They kids love this batch I just made.
    I'll add the link to the post.

  3. I love your book from Nancy Jo and the color of your dandelion jelly is very pretty!

  4. Dandelion jelly sounds delicious! I love the see-through colour. Do you eat the leaves? my neighbour is crazy about them. I remember my father making dandelion wine when I was younger but unfortunately I didn't get to taste it! Amazing what you can do with a 'so-called' weed.

  5. Emma,
    We do eat the leaves in salads and in dandelion gravy. Next week I plan to pick some more.

  6. Lucky you! that is a very nice book and Nancy Jo is a sweetheart through and through! Let us know when you make something from it. Congrats!


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