Friday, April 6, 2012

Disinfected, Sanitized, and Beauti-fied

Before:  $.50 purchased at a local thrift store (1 inch hoops).

After: A beautiful "new" pair of earrings to match my baby blue prairie skirt this summer.

Thank you Beansie Babbles Blogspot!  You were my inspiration.  If you haven't visited her site, you should.  Lots of inspiration there.


  1. They are beautiful! I wouldn't have thought of crocheting over hoops like that. Did you use a crochet hook?

  2. Hi Kristina-
    those earrings are just too cute!
    I'll have to try those out for sure-- not for me; but for my daughters.
    I'm more of a stud earring gal {smile}

    have a wonderful, Resurrection Sunday!

  3. Those look adorable...and for a just some time and a few pennies, you have a fabulous new pair of earrings ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  4. Oh my goodness! Those earrings your made are beautiful! Clever girl! You are so inspiring! Happy Easter!

  5. How clever!! lovely colour blue.

  6. What a CUTE idea! I haven't seen that before! :)

  7. Wow! I would never have thought of that although I don't wear any nowadays.

  8. What an awesome idea! Did you use a dab of glue to get the ends tucked in and prevent sliding off?

  9. Yes, I used a clear strong craft glue. I think it was E6000 glue.


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