Thursday, February 23, 2012

Saving Money ~ Thrift Stores

Typically I like to take one day "off" and do something fun.  However, my hubby called from work and was having problems with his eyes.  He was using his last pair of contacts and they were causing problems.  He called to say he was heading home and asked if I would join him - road trip.

Here are the fun thrift store finds from yesterday. . .

I found 5 vintage jello molds ($.35), a top 30's Country Hits record album ($.25), and a pack of playing cards still in their original package ($.25).  My plan was to make pin cushions with the jello molds, however, they are so nice (and a good size) that I may even use them in the kitchen.   We plan to play the album, and it even has Johnny Cash on it.  The playing cards are for game night and camping. If we ever lose any, I can always re-purpose them too.  They have a fun flower pattern on them.

I could not resist buying this bag of scrap ribbons ($1.00).  Underneath the bag are 3 pillow cases ($.50) with country fabric patterns.  I plan to re-purpose the pillow cases.  The cost of fabric in craft stores these days, can cost too much.  I have already started a S.C.R.A.P. project using the ribbon.  Those will be posted as soon as they are finished.


  1. What great finds! Like you (and probably everyone else) I've been reluctant to buy new fabric at the stores because they are becoming too cost prohibitive. I want to make myself a quilt, so I'm going to wait until the thrift store has a "Buck a Bag" sale on clothing then look for clothes I can cut up for my quilt.

  2. Thrift stores are so mush fun. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. I recently saw a blog where they made hanging kitchen lights out of various jello molds.

  4. What a bunch of neat stuff you found! I like the fabric on the pillowcases and those jello molds look brand new!

  5. Kristina,
    Really nice thrift store finds. I know how hard it is to resist buying a bag of ribbon. I have a lot of it myself. Use it for wraping gifts and craft things. Love the pillow cases, they cost so much new. If I was handy like you I too could sew lace on them. I will look to see how you used your new finds. That is on your scrap blog right?
    Nancy Jo

  6. You are my kind of gal! Those were great finds and your ideas are fantastic!

  7. Nancy Jo, I posted a project on my SCRAP blog today. I used ribbon to re-purpose tea bag boxes. Here is the link:

  8. Those are some great finds! The tiny molds are the beat! So many uses for them :)


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