Sunday, February 26, 2012

Excerpts from A Journal Junkie

from the homesteading journal. . .

 We are trying to buy USA made items when we do need to shop.  I actually found a clipboard at Wal-mart that states it's made in the USA.  

 We bought chicken wire to start a much needed outdoor coop off the "chicken" barn.  

 Split wood again, but the weather is not too cold here.  

 We are bartering service work on our broken down van, with home canned goods again.  The van was delivered, so I need to get busy so I have canned jelly to barter.

from the crafting journal . . .

 I finished the new dishcloth pattern, and actually put another one in my store.  I have already started a third one.   I'm finishing up another knitted block for the block blanket, and have decided to put my tatting aside until the blanket is finished.

 Two projects "in progress"
I started decoupaging another tea bag box, and this time I'm using old book pages.  The handle is recycled oxygen tubing.  I'll be posting that later on my S.C.R.A.P. blog.

I recently discovered it's much easier to have a clip board for my knitting pattern, so I bought a very inexpensive clipboard.  I painted it.  Now I am decoupaging paper with a rose pattern on it.  I will be placing my pattern in a plastic page protector, slipping in a note pad, and attaching a pen.  Then I can take my basket weaving pattern, for my knitted block blanket, anywhere in the truck, van or car.  I can keep track of rows, and not get behind in my work any more.  I also have a fun, jazzed up, clip board for it.  I may have to make a few more of these for other projects.

from my personal journal . . .

 Hubby and I headed out for goat feed over the weekend.  We had trouble finding the right brand in stock, and had a bag being held in another town.  We had no time limitations, so we stopped at a brand new gun store and browsed.  The store was packed with people too.

Next, hubby surprised me by taking me to a very large antique store, that we had not been too in about four years.  We had so much fun walking around and browsing. 

I did more than browse too.  I was so excited to find this lipstick holder that I just had to buy it.  I had no idea they existed until another farmgirl shared photos of the ones she has found.  

Underneath the lipstick holder is a dish towel I found, that has tatting as the edging - $3.00.  What a deal.  What great finds, and useful too.

I bought his $5.00 vintage chopper also.  Why?  Well, it's a perfect container to hold elastic hair bands in my vintage decorated master bathroom.  

I cleaned it up and when the chopper handle is lifted up, it brings up hair bands on the bottom piece.  I'd rather buy USA made for every day use, and this chopper was made by the  Lorraine Manufacturing Company in New York City.  According to my research, they started up around 1868.  What fun it was to find this out after I got home.

I had a very fun day, and hope to do that again in a few years.

from my gratitude journal. . .

 Today I am thankful for:

~ being able to pay off one dentist bill
~ getting a day away and relaxing
~ the beautiful sunshine we are having
~ having enough firewood
~ tea
~ my outdoor clothesline
~ books
~ once again, I am thankful for pen and paper
~ God's Promises
~ slippers


  1. Congrats on the bill pay off! Isn't it great each time we get one paid off????

    I always enjoyed my outdoor clothesline! Nothing like the smell of clothes and sheets dried in the air????? Yum!!!! Mine was the umbrella kind. Just stand and turn and pin--or unpin... I so loved it!!!!

    God's Promises are always something to give thanks for...

    I like your whole list actually! :)

  2. Thank you for stopping by! I will be following!

  3. I love your antique store finds, the new dishcloth and the fact that you were able to find a clipboard that is actually still made in the USA!! :)

  4. I've been journaling for years and each day I write 10 things I am grateful for...I could write more but I'd never get it is my written prayer/journal/diary that takes me an hour every morning! But I couldn't start my day without it. I love yours and the S.C.R.A.P. blog is yours too?
    I love the "treasures" you found and your clipboard and boxes. I've been in the mood to decoupage lately. I also saw a cute idea on the cover of Flea Market magazine where they hung clipboards on the wall and then clipped art work to them as wall decor. I'm more practical...I'd gussy them up but then clip some of my many lists to them such as pantry inventory, grocery list, chores...I'm so anal that way! LOL!
    The tatting is gorgeous and I would like to try that some day.
    You and your lifestyle is very inspiring and your gratitude! Have a great week!


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