Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Winter Weather ~ Black Bean Fudge Cakes

Winter has been the strangest ever this year.  On Tuesday, we had rain, then snow, then rain again, then snow again, then rain and temperatures up to the 40's.  

The house was still a bit chilly, so I baked two snacks for the family.  One, I baked Black bean Fudge Cakes (only in an 8 x 8 inch pan), and another batch of Zucchini Muffins.  Yum!  The oven warmed up the kitchen, and the Black Bean Fudge Cake was pretty good.  I love recipes from Clean Eating magazine.  I can use my raw honey, home canned applesauce and this eliminated the cost of flour.  

The day before, I cooked up a large bag of dry black beans, so I reserved some for my cake.  A perfect way to keep "desserts" healthy around here (and low cost).

Although, I can say the Black Bean Fudge "bars" were not the kids favorite.  They gobbled up the Zucchini muffins first.


  1. If you don't use flour what do you use? Interesting, I never heard of black beans being used in a dessert but then there is meant used in mincemeat so what the heck! I love mince meat pie.

  2. It looks good and baking sure is a good way to warm up the kitchen!


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