Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Soap Making Day

Our 5 gallon bucket of laundry detergent is down to the bottom already.  It sure has saved us money.  The rain is still coming down yet this morning, so the indoor work is getting done today.  I guess my bike ride will have to wait until it lets up, or go to the gym.

Yesterday, I took down my oregano that had been drying.  Today, I will cut more oregano and Thyme.  We use a lot of it, and I want to make sure we have enough to get through the winter.  Last summer, I did not dry enough. 

Last night, my husband and I watched a show on television.  I have to say, I could live without TV too.  The show was about someone who was hoarding and had stock piled items throughout their home.  These people could not even walk through their house without stepping on garbage.  It made me want to get up and clean off my dresser - ha ha ha!  Sunday is now our "no electronic" day and it could possibly turn into more days of the week.

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