Friday, May 27, 2011

Loving Surprises ~ Old Post Card Collection and More

I am very thrilled to be the next family member to cherish this post card collection.  It contains post cards that are older than 44 years old.  I can’t wait to share them with my family and, someday soon, pass them on to one of them.

Yesterday, my Aunt sent me a box of “goodies” and in it was a valentine from 1924.  It was a 2nd place prize for a drawing contest.  I believe it belonged to my grandmother.  Again, this too will be passed down in the family.  I just may have to frame the card to preserve it.
Boy, I love these kinds of surprises.  They make me realize that I need to slow down in life and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. What family heirlooms! It is relaxing to look at old things and dream of simplier times. ~Val


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