Thursday, May 26, 2011

A "Beast" of a Storm

The news station called yesterday’s storm a “beast.”  It dropped hail down in some towns so badly, that cars were destroyed, greenhouses were destroyed, and so were gardens.  Tornado warnings were a constant, and lightening took out one city’s siren.

Luckily, we did not get hail here, but more storms are expected again in a few hours. 

The creek is flooded so badly, that in some areas the roads flooded, and may flood again today.  There is water rising close to a few home's out buildings.  I was in awe, as I rode my bike my usual 6 miles today.  I may have to change my route.  The fields are flooded and farmer's cannot get crops in.  Same with gardens.  Those that planted, are losing it to hail, and others can't get their plants and seeds in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristina,
    Hope your storms subside - sounds awful. I couldn't answer your comment on my blog - problem with my comment section - so here is my answer about other places to write.

    You could write Revenue Share articles for eHow through Demand Studios if you have been approved there. Apply if you haven't. There is also Associated Content, Triond, Suite101, Hubpages and Firehow. I know some people who like writing for List My Five. As far as I can tell, from personal experience and from reading other's blogs, all of the revenue share writing sites have gone down in income since Google's Panda. You may want to try some up-front writing sites too, like Break Studios or Love to Know. Personally, I like writing for Constant-Content. Good luck.


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