Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holy Cow! An Earthquake and we didn't even know it!

I took my laptop to the library to observe people while the two younger ones were in a program.  About a half hour of typing "boring" and "no juicy action" there was a huge rumble.  My 13 year old was sitting at a table with me and we both looked up at each other.

"What was that?"

"I don't know?" she answered with raised shoulders.

"Sounded like the roof was coming down!"

I continued to type, and after getting frustrated with no one to "observe" I put the computer away.  I read a bit of my Bible and soon we had to leave.

After we arrived home, I got a text from Mom.  There was an earthquake in a town 10 miles from our house and further from where we were at the library.  An earthquake.  I couldn't believe it.

My son was home, and after sharing the news, he said that the dogs went crazy about that time.  I guess they started barking when it happened.

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