Friday, February 26, 2010

Medical bills, exercise and weight loss

The kids accident has put everlasting memories on all of us.  After we regained our sanity, we can now have a conversation without tears,.  However, I am drowning in medical bills.  Aftern numerous phone calls, calling and calling and sitting on hold, I am now a firm believer of getting everyone in shape and staying that way. 

Keeping the doctors visits down to a bare minimum will save us money, and we will live healthier and longer lives.  Although the medical bills are from an accident, I am seriously looking at my health, and everyone else's health (kids, husband) differently.  Now, don't get me wrong.  That doesn't mean I am running out and getting a physical, mammogram and everything else that's required at my age.  It means I am faithfully exercising daily, watching what we eat more than ever, and drinking more water than juice and pop.

Then, just maybe, after I lose weight and get in shape, will I consider getting my physical.  Maybe.

After I challenged myself to 30 days of walking for at least 10 minutes a day, I lost 2 pounds.  I missed one day and the other days were anywhere up to 20 minutes of walking.  Now, I am up to 30 minutes and some days, I walk 1 hour.  I feel better, but I have a loooooong ways to go.

I'm getting a lot of reading done on the treadmill these days, but I should have invested in a Large Print Bible.  I could be reading my daily reading while walking too.  I've influenced the kids too.  I know have to fight for the treadmill.  They come toting books and invade my room for hours.  At least they are staying fit.

Now....if I could just stop eating Milk Duds while I sit and read my Bible.....and whoever said prunes were tasty must have been sleep deprived. 

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