Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are on-line surveys that pay money worth the time?

Well, I gave it a try anyway.  I figured what do I have to lose?  Well, time is what I really lost.  I registered with and found it to be a disappointment.  For the first seven surveys that were e-mailed to me, that I did complete, only one earned me points.  These points go towards cash pay out or shopping.  Either way, each survery I received stated that it rewarded so many points when completed.  After I completed them, it stated that I did not qualify and I received one entry into a drawing.  After earning about 16,000 points, and needing 60,000 for my first pay check, I lost my survey mojo.  I'd rather be throwing snowballs with my kids.  There are better ways to spend my time.

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