Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finding my muse when the sun is not shining

The winter time is more difficult for me to stay positive and focused when it comes to my writing.  I have realized that it is very easy to fall into the sweatpants and t-shirt syndrome.  Years ago, I saved Fridays for my "T-shirt" days, and dressed casual for the other days.  By casual I used to wear nice summer or winter skirts with sweaters or jeans and a nice top.  I guess after this last move, I landed in the t-shirt zone on a daily basis. 

Today I dressed in an Indian top that flows past the knees.   It came from India and is decorated with sequins.  Immediately, this kids who are home for another snow day, sent me their "ews" and "ahs" as I walked into the kitchen.  I realized that after writing, I did find my "muse" and that is to dress for "work" and to accessorize with my the style I prefer. 

Today, however, I did not work at the built in desk in the kitchen.  I moved a table to my bedroom, and faced it towards the glass doors, so that I could view the outdoors.  I burned a candle, sipped ginger ale, and got a lot of work done.  In fact, some of the kids are now interested in what I did write for the day.  Could it be that I did not "hog" the family computer and they had more freedom?  I have not idea, but for some reason they are respecting my "work" time a little bit more today.

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