Monday, February 15, 2010

Building Snowmen ~ Winter Highlight Moment

Well, I did it.  I built 2 snowmen, and the kids think I have lost my mind.  In their opinion, what mother of my age goes out to build a snowman, without her children?  He he he!  The caught me.  As I was rolling the giant snow balls around the yard to pack on more, they were gawking at me from the upstairs window.

A few minutes later, my son came out laughing and helping build one too.  Not soon after that, my oldest daughter was peeking around the side of the house - with the video camera!  They were so  shocked at my "childlike" behavior that they had to out it on tape.

I can now sit in my work space, and view the snowmen as I write today.  I need two more on the other side so my view is all about fun, fun, fun!  You should see them this morning.  I put sprigs of evergreen on the top of the larger one for hair.  We had a bit of freezing rain or drizzle, so everything this morning has a beautiful coat of white.  Just gorgeous.

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