Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 ~ Snow Day!

This photo does not even compare to those who got more snow than us.
The snow bank on the right of the photo is over 6 feet tall.  Just after we dug the mailbox out, the snow plow came back through.  Grrr!  The predicted amount of snow here today is 10 inches by tomorrow morning.  We shovel by hand and we need to keep at least one portion of the large drive clear.  Snow or not, my husband still has to go to work.  He will need to be able to get back in the drive after work.

After a nice warm cup of hot chocolate, and a nice long hot shower, I have articles to write and articles to edit and articles to submit.  Although I wanted a snow day pretty bad, it is very difficult to work when all of the kids are home.

While we were outside working, I glanced up at the snow mound from the snow that arrived the day before.  My 8 year old daughter was trying to ride her big wheel down the snow bank! Ha, ha ha!  Of course I had to be the bad guy and put a stop to it.  I have had enough visits to the emergency room to last a lifetime.

We've already split wood, shoveled, put out a small fire on the stove top, cleaned up a broken plate that one dropped a mug on, and just had lunch so we can start on the house work.  

"Still want to live like a pioneer Mom?" asked my seventeen year old son after we stacked the wood and could not feel our noses or hands.

"Yep!" I replied with enthusiasm.

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