Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowmen and Snow and Getting Caught

Here is a photo of the two snowmen we built.  When we built them, the sun was shining brightly.  This is from yesterday morning, when we had a frosting of sorts. Can you see the evergreen hair on the larger snowman!  My kids keep telling me he looks "evil" so I have to build another one this year.  I was just working with nature to build my snowmen -sticks, evergreen sprigs, and a carrot.  If you look at the bottom of the smaller one, my youngest 8 year-old daughter made a baby snowman. 

Today, these snowmen are decorated with yellow spots.  One of our dogs decided they needed to mark their spot - on both of them!   I'm sure the kids will laugh about it when the get home from school.

As for me getting caught, well this is funny.  Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I hear my 13 year-old daughter yell "Mother!  I object" as she walked briskly to my bedroom.  Raising my eyebrows, I asked her what in the world was she talking about.  Trailing her footsteps, was my 8 year-old daughter.

"What's this I hear that you write her (pointing to my 8 year-old) notes and give her a piece of candy every day - in her lunch?!" she loudly demanded.

"uh..." was all I could say.

So, I was caught.  I was asked to write notes in their lunches and give them a surprise piece of candy.  Just after that, my 8 year-old daughter asked if I "notered her."  As I sit here, I just realized I wrote one for the other kids, and had planned to write out one for my 8 year-old, but forgot.  Ugh!  I'm going to be in big trouble when she gets home.  How could I have forgot?!  I better make sure she gets "notered" tomorrow with an extra piece of candy.

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