Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sticky-note-itis and The Case of Lollygagging (not by choice)

May flew by way too fast for us.  June rolled in quick, so I hope it sticks around longer.  In fact, we are almost halfway into June already.  We woke up to a crazy 49°F this morning.  

Grab a cup of coffee, it's a rather long post.

Fracturing my foot caused everything to simply get so far behind, that the sticky notes piled up everywhere like a heaping mountain of dirty laundry.  Six weeks is a long time to hobble around injured, and then be told another 6 weeks before hikg, long walks, or weight bearing exercise.

My medical boot, shoe leveler for the other foot, and medical boot covers, are officially stored away finally.

I had so many sticky notes(and some for my husband), and more were being written daily, and in various locations of the house.  I just decided it was easier to write things down, per room, in a ten cent notebook.  Crossing those buggers off never felt better too.

The case of the lollygagging (all done by force) was put to an end, and all things had to be caught up, things put away, things donated, things returned, things cleaned, things put in order and so on.

Logically, all of my library borrowing was put on hold.  Blogging took a back seat.  Sorry if they are lacking and/or boring lately.

Of course I went head on with all of this orderly homemaking, and housework, while we were planting the vegetable/fruit gardens (a battle between rain storms).  Everything of course everything remains "iffy" until we see what the weather brings us.  I have added some Thai basil to the herb garden this year.  Oh, and we found tomato plants, but not the same amount of them, and replanted.  I had to replant two serrano hot pepper plants too.

We installed a new fence around one of the vegetable gardens.  We plan to do the same with the other garden later this year or early next spring.

We purchased two blueberry plants.  We cannot grow them in the ground due to too much lime stone.  It's an experiment, to see how well they produce in pots for us.  

We didn't realize how much more soil we needed for the flower bed.  They are not completely finished.  We need some stones for the walkway and a few more for edging (we were given most of the landscaping stones over 2 years ago).

The regular chores still needed done amidst my dedication to rid the chaos.

Needless to say, there was a grand amount of coffee consumed.  Not to mention numerous ounces of water to day hydrated, especially during the garden work days in 90 degree weather.


One corner of a counter was the "drop" spot, and these jars were hidden for the duration I was hobbling around.  Just for the record, our indoor repairs, renovations, upgrades, painting etc. are still not complete, so hence a terrible pile up.  I have moved the tote with painting supplies to the next room.  Hey, it's a start, ha ha!

Note to self:  Label stuff!  I have no idea what I put in the container on the left.  I searched my blog for ideas, and found nothing.  I think it's self-rising flour I mixed myself, but cannot, for the life of me, remember what it is.  Good grief!  Apparantly six weeks unseen is not good, ha ha!

There is much more to do around here overall.   

Sticky-note-itis and The Case of Lollygagging (not by choice) © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Oh boy. I know how fast things start to pile up after surgeries etc. My husband did fairly well when I had rotator cuff surgery but as time went on, he did little short cuts that once I was able, I had to fix.
    I hope your foot continues to heal.

  2. Yeah May went by fast already the middle of the year, that does sound like a cold start to the day. When I think of sticky notes I think of my mum she had them everywhere. Being laid up so to speak with a broken foot leads to a lot of catch up after a time doing not much at all. If I don't label stuff I will forget what it is or what's in the container

  3. Jo-Anne's Ramblings, I normally do label stuff, but gosh this one time ha ha!


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